We've learned one of the most important lessons about homeschooling: be flexible & accept help.
We "lost" a week of school due to my own kidney infection and hospitalization. Thank goodness for grandparents! Both Kevin's mother and mine (and her wonderful husband Bill) jumped right in with support and eagerness and although our still-new routine was terribly interrupted, Sophie's schooling continued.
She worked with Emma (Jean, Kevin's mother) on constructing an old-fashioned compass and ruler used in early sea-going navigation and will continue that lesson with Kevin on Saturday using math skills to measure distance on maps (more to come).
Sophie also spent two very productive days at Farm School and came home with an impressive packet of work she and Lily completed. I am very proud of her!
Because of the "lost" week, we agreed that today we would not complete the scheduled spelling test from her vocabulary but rather conduct a review session on the words she's already learned.
She has a lot of work to do today to play catch-up for Day Seven but I know she can do it!
Below you'll find Bill's notes on Farm School (pictures to be added after I format them) and Sophie will post her 5 x 5 and blog by the end of today.
Thanks for all your patience & support!
* Sophie created a poster that showed the cycle for Sustainable Living (from Manna to Manure).
* The girls and Gamma and Bo played Apples-Apples game (adjectives and opposites)
* Lily invented a "play" about and acrobat and a clown. (Yesterday, she and Bo acted out and rehearsed the play for three hours (some Barbie games were interjected).
* Sophie learned that characters in Disney cartoons and movies have characteristics that are selected by the writers. (What does a villain look like? A hero?)
* Lily used Photoshop to paint Bo's face yellow. She also awarded a "Good Job" sticker to Bo on his nose.
* Both girls designed and painted get well cards for mom. (Corrie was hospitalized with a kidney stone and a kidney infection for a few days. The cards worked! Corrie is feeling much better today! Hooray!)
* Lily used Photoshop to add the word ACROBAT to the photo of her drawing.
* Today Gamma took Lily on a field trip to ride a narrow-gauge train near
Boothbay Harbor; Bo remained home to recuperate from three thrilling day with home school and other fun experiences.
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Get Well card for Mom from Lily |
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The inspiration for Sophie's characteristics work |
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Sophie hard at work |
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Sophie's beautiful gel well card for Mom |
5 x 5 for 5th Grade
5 Pictures/Illustrations
5 Vocabulary
1. finite : Something that can be measured or counted
2. till : To prepare for growing crops.
3. Sustainable : A lifestyle that can be sustained without exhausting natural resources.
4. Strategy : A plan intended to accomplish a specific goal.
5. efficient : working In a way that gets results
5 Details/Facts
1. Leftover food gets put into the compost bin and turns into dirt
2. Manure turns into fertilizer for plants
3. Manure gets fed to the chickens, but the chickens eat the bugs on the manure.
4. I drew a poster on sustainable living .
5. Natural resources are things like coal, oil , water , and food.
5 Sentences
1. Numbers are finite because they can be counted.
2. Mom, Gama, Bo, and Dad till the vegetables in the vegetable garden.
3. My family lives sustainable because we try not to deplete natural resources.
4. In school, I have a strategy for what I’m going to do each day.
5. He worked efficiently, and got his job done correctly.
5 Questions & Answers
1.What do you think it means to live sustainably?
A: To live without depleting natural resources.
2. In what ways do you and your family live a sustainable lifestyle?
A: By getting rid of cable and a telephone.
3. What does simple living mean?
A: provide for ourselves without depleting the natural resources.
4. Give 2 example of how your family lives simply.
A: By growing our own food, like cucumbers, and eggs.
5. What are 3 natural resources?
A: Minerals, Coal, and Oil.
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