5 x 5 for 5th Grade
1. Botanical: the study of plants and plant life
2. Perennial : A noun that describes reappearing every year.
3. Meditation : When your calm and relaxed
4. Bog : A swampy pond that usually smells.
5. Indigenous: I belong here.
5 Details/Facts
1. In the Scent garden there were fragrent herbs.
2. In the sight garden there was a big fountain and lots of bright colored flowers.
3. Texture is a pattern that you can feel.
4. We had a tasty lunch.
5. In the hearing garden there was a rock with holes and when we talked we had a funny voice!
5 Sentences
1. In Boothbay there's a place called the Botanical gardens.
2. Perennial flowers reappear in Spring without replanting.
3. I meditate to relax.
4. Today my camera fell into a bog.
5. Native Americans are indigenous to North America.
5 Questions & Answers
1. What is a common language used to name most plants and animals? A: Latin
2. What does biodegradable mean? A: Living things that die and decompose into the earth.
3. Why is it important to build/ create places like the Costal Maine Botanical Gardens? A: To make the world more beautiful.
4. What berries commonly grow in bogs? A: Cranberries.
5. What was the worst thing that happened today and what did you learn? A: My Camera fell into a bog. To move on and accidents happen.
Sophie's Blog: Tell us what you did today. How was today's scavenger hunt different than others you've done? Describe the fairy house we built in two sentences. I really liked your poem a lot; what inspired you?
Today's scavenger hunt was different because Instead of mom hiding things , I looked for words hidden in the signs and the names of the garden. The fairy house was around was a little sump with three " rooms." We put sticks around the stump, and bark for the roof. Thank you mom! The fairy poems inspired me, also the rhythm of the fairy poems you read.
Day Twelve: Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, Fairy Houses, & Fairy Poems
Activity: Create Fairy House & Poem (including Lily with Gamma's help)
Step One: Explore the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens & Complete Scavenger Hunt for your 5 new vocabulary words
Scavenger Hunt *Lily and Gamma did their own version of the scavenger hunt and I will post her "results"*
First Word: "I am both a title and an adjective describing the study of plants and plant life."
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Second Word: "I am a noun that reappears year after year."
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Third Word: "I am a noun that describes a peaceful place you can think."
I am: Meditation
Fourth Word: "I am a simple but fun word that describes a swampy place where water plants grow."
I am:
Fifth Word: "I am a scientific word that means 'I' belong here."
I am: Indegenious
Bonus Question: "I am the 5 senses and you can learn about us at the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens by…."
I am: Sight, Smell, Sound, Touch, Taste
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Taste |
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Smell |
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Touch |
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Sight |
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sound |
Step Two: Come to the end of your hunt at the Fairy Village where we will separate into pairs—Mom & Sophie and Gamma & Lily—and we will find the perfect spot for our new fairy house. While collecting, building, and decorating our fairy house, we will read a few poems aloud to inspire us!
Step Three: Observe and photograph our new fairy house. Then write a fairy poem inspired by the gardens, the poetry, and the house.
Step Four: Read and share (and record) our new poems!
Sophie's Poem
Come little fairy. Dance around the ring.
Come little fairy. Please just come and singer.
Come little fairy. The moon is shining bright.
Oh, come little fairy. Dance in the moonlight.
Come little fairy. You can bring your friends.
Come little fairy. Or your time will end.
Come little fairy. I'm a harmless girl.
Oh come little fairy. I'd like to see you twirl!
Come little fairy. I promise, I don't bite.
Come little fairy. I know this house is right.
Come little fairy. Please just come and play.
Dance around the ring with me. And please just say you'll stay!
Lily's Poem
A fairy penny I found
It's in my Gamma's hair
Fairy, fairy on the wall
Can I make a wish on your shiny penny?
"I wish I had a talking stuffed animal"
"I wish…I would meet a mermaid"
"I wish…I had everything"
Three wishes sang in the magic wood
Fairy, fairy on the wall
a new house I made for you
With…a shell bathtub
a mossy bed
a rocky path
and one green leaf
Fairy, fairy on the wall
I left a penny in the wood
Gamma's Poem
Into the woods I roam
Waiting to see
Wanting to see
Wishing to see
A shadow darts, wind blown
A song whispers, wind lifted
A touch on my braid, wind soft
Age only blinds us if we let it
Mom's poem
Fairy, fairy frolicking freely,
Faithfully foraging flowers,
Forever feeling fibrous frocks,
Fearing frightening frantic,
Fulfilling fantastical phenomena,
Fairy, fairy, fondly funning phantoms!
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Sophie & Mom's Fairy House |
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Lily & Gamma's Fairy House |
Girls, what a wonderful job you did on the poems! I printed them both out and have them taped near my desk. I'm so impressed! xoxo