7 x7 Seven Subjects & 7 things I learned September 21, 2012 Day 13
Math—Roll of Thunder activity Math &
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A. I deduced that I can walk 3.2 miles in
an hour by walking 3 different ways in 1 minute and finding the average time.
B. I surmised that Cassie Logan, who walks
an hour to school, probably walks about 3.2 miles every day considering
variables of weather, company, physical condition.
C. I walked 3 different ways, briskly, normally,
and slowly to help find the average time. I then multiplied the distance of
feet for each minute, about 364 feet, by 60 and divided it into 5,280 to
estimate the miles I can walk in an hour. For a briskly pace I can walk about
4.14 miles in 1 hour.
D. I figured out that Cassie’s friend, Moe
Turner, who has to walk 3.5 hours to school every day walks about 11.35 miles
each day, I did this by adding 3.2 3 times plus 1.75 to get 11 miles one way!
E. Some variables that I considered were
pavement verses the dirt road, the weight and comfort of a backpack or child
that you were carrying, the traffic, and the weather, bad weather might slow
people down.
F. Vocabulary word: deduce, which means to
conclude with knowledge
G vocabulary word: surmise, supposes that
something is true without evidence to confirm.
2. Science—A Crash Course:
Forces and Motion with Max Axiom, Super Scientist
a. Rollercoaster brakes are powered by
b. On a rollercoaster, the bar digging into
your stomach is inertia, it keeps you at rest.
c. If you were in a pool and wanted to jump
off a raft, you would be performing Newton’s 3rd Law. Your jump is
the action and the raft moving backward is the reaction.
d. Gravity is the centripetal force that
keeps astronauts and their spacecraft in orbit around the Earth.
e. Bumper cars are a fun way to experience
action and reaction.
f. A merry-go-round use centripetal force
to keep riders moving in circles.
G. I learned that weight is different than
mass. Weight is determined by gravity’s pull on an object. Each planet in our
solar system has a different gravitational pull,. If you traveled to a planet
such as Mars and you weighed 100 pounds on Earth, you would weigh 38 pounds on
Mars but your mass would be the same.
3. Current Events—Web Search www.cnn.com
a. Apparently the KFC’s in Pakistan are
being closed down because of an attack on one of their restaurants in Lebanon
last week. My opinion: I think this was a good idea because they don’t want
anyone to get hurt.
b. The new iPhone 5 came out today and in
Sydney Australia many Apple fans are super excited! Some people were in line
for over 24 hours just to be the first to get the new phone. My opinion: I
think that this is somewhat necessary I mean because this phone has holographic
features and all but over 24 hours is a little much to wait in line just for a
c. In Florida, A 66 year old man was
trimming his oak tree next to a swamp when his Boston terrier got a little too
close to the water. The man could see the tail of the alligator that was about
to nibble on the dog. The man belly flopped in the swamp and wrestled the 7
foot gator and saved himself and his dog. My Opinion: I thought that this was a
little extreme for a 66 year old man but sweet, the man got a wound on his hand
and his leg from bite marks of the alligator.
d. In Kenya, on a Safari, A cheetah leaped
onto a safari car and perched there for forty five minutes. The guides named
her Rita the Cheetah and she is now famous. My Opinion: Ahhh that would be so
scary. But Rita the cheetah is only one of many stories of cheetahs leaping on
to Safari cars and thankfully, Rita was potty trained and where some others
were not!!! GROSS!
e. Wal-Mart stopped selling Amazon kindles.
Why: They were not selling well and they don’t have enough money to keep them
in the store. My Opinion: WHAT! Amazon is so much better than iTunes and the
kindle fires and kindles are great, more than half my friends like Amazon
kindle better that apple iPods.
f. A waitress in London earns 1,000 dollars
an hour as Kate Middleton look-alike! My Opinion: Ha-ha this one’s funny I
think that she is kind of taking advantage of the people thought because she
doesn’t really look exactly like Kate Middleton in fact I don’t think she looks
like her much at all.
g. Fairytale Disney house is for sale for
1.45 million dollars! My Opinion: Disney is my favorite place in the world so
this Disney fairytale mansion is my kind of place to live, I absolutely love
4. Language—Latin Vocabulary insert
a. I learned that homo, means human being,
its homonis if plural and it is a masculine noun. Sofia is homa est. Sophie is a human being
b. I learned that Quintilis, which is Latin
for July was renamed Iulius in 44 BCE in honor of Julius Ceaser. Sorer
prognatus in Quintilis est. My sister was born in July.
c. I learned that desidous means lazy in
Latin, it is an adjective, and it is masculine. On Pluvia dies desidous est. On rainy days I’m
d. I learned that careo means to be
without, it is a verb and it is feminine. Sofia is careo coniux. Sophie is
without a husband.
e. I learned that facile means easily, it
is neither masculine nor feminine because it is an adverb. Coactum Latina is facile to est. learning
Latin is easy for me.
f. I learned that aestas means summer in
Latin its feminine and it is a season. Amare Aestas est. I like summer a lot.
g. I learned that ut lubet means please in
Latin. Ut lubet monile est. May I please have a necklace.
5. Reading
a. This riddle was in my critical thinking
book, see if you can get the answer, “I
am what poor people have and what rich people need. I am what blind people see
and deaf people hear. I am what brave people fear and what kind people hate.
And though hateful people love me, only the biggest fools really know me. What
am I?
b. I learned the answer to the riddle up
above; I think it helps to think of a word that is repeated in every statement
to get the answer.
c. I learned about the difference between
dugouts, canoes, and kayaks.
d. I learned that the word canoe comes from
the Arawaks, people who were native to the Caribbean Islands, although their
canoes are known as dugouts which were made by trees, and burned to make the
inside. They were paddled by two people.
e. Kayaks are another form of canoes
developed by the Intuits. The kayak was made from bone and covered with seal
skin. Ewww! This was made for only one passenger.
f. I made a Venn diagram explaining the
differences between the dugout and the kayak and also what they have in common.
g. I learned that the kayak and the dugout
are both types of canoes, stable water transportation.
6. Writing
a. The active voice occurs when the subject
performs the action; the active voice is more commonly used in writing
b. I learned that in the passive voice, the
subject of the sentence is acted upon by another subject; was is a key word to
figuring out the passive voice sentence
c. Passive voice sentence: The exam was
administered by the teacher. Changed to
Active voice: The teacher administered my exam. I felt excited about my test
d. PV: Georgia’s outfit was chosen by the
saleswoman. AV: The Saleswoman chose Georgia’s outfit. Although, Georgia didn’t
like the sparkly outfit.
e. PV: The city was invaded by barbarians.
AV: The barbarians invaded the city. Johnny felt scared of the mean barbarians.
f. My writing workbook explains transition
words. I learned that some common transition words are after, later, meanwhile,
before, next, so, during.
g. Common transition words that I use when I
am writing are as soon as, when, so.
7. Theater—videographer
a. I got a free app on my iPod that allows me
to make different shots and use different effects
b. I used Lily and Owyn and they chose a
song, then I chose the different effects and what they did for movements
c. I learned how to take different shots
and takes
d. I learned how to put in different filters
and effects and how to become an amazing director.
e. I learned how to get different views; views
from above views from below, straight on views!
f. I learned how to use the video star app
g. I learned that I really like making videos
like that.
Sophie, I especially enjoyed the video's... you are so creative and lily was great... you are branching out in so many different areas and modalities.... it is a pleasure to read what you have written and follow your logic!