Sophie decided to homeschool for seventh grade. The decision was not hers alone but I began the process by asking Sophie what she wanted for her seventh grade year. Her resounding answer to my question to homeschool another year was "Yes!"
Our "plan" for our future homeschooling has always been not to but rather approach each new year as it came with consideration and thoughtfulness. Besides, Sophie has a lot of important skating, theater, and traveling goals and adventures to look forward to this year and truthfully, "school" gets in her way.
Sophie is a mature, hard-working, earnest, independent, considerate, and excited learner--the best student any teacher could desire! This year I've upped the anty for her and my expectations and her goals are significantly increased.
I've planned this 175 school-days year as a three-and-a-half unit year (Sept--June). We will build on the 5 x 5 and 6 x 6 model and will post blogs accordingly.
As I explained to Sophie this morning, one of the things that makes 7th grade different in most public school models is that student start switching classes and can have many different teachers throughout the day depending on the subject and not just one or two teachers in the same class with the same kids. Now, we can't mimic that format at home--there's only one of me and one of her--but we can adapt to a 7-subject learning model.
The Seven Subjects for Seventh Grade are (not in any particular order of schedule or importance):
1. Math
2. Science
3. History/ current events / geography
4. Language: Latin / Spanish
5. Writing/ Grammar
6. Reading / Literature
7. Music / Theater / Art
Sophie will complete three 7 x7s each week. A 7 x7 will be "due" each Tuesday, Thursday, and Monday morning. A typical week:
Monday--start 7 x 7 Seven Subjects with Seven "Things I learned."
1. Math
2. Science
The first 7 x 7 of the week is due by the end of the day Tuesday. The second 7 x 7 is due by the end of day Thursday. The third is due NO LATER than Monday morning. This plan should give her some "homework" opportunities.
Her goal and my expectation is that each of the "seven things I learned" for each of the seven subjects will be thoughtful, smart, interesting, critical, and impressive. The 7 x 7 format continues to be an opportunity to organize her own learning while having the chance to teach our blog readers too!
*One of the seven things for each subject should include an image or hyperlink to video, website, or reference.*
Sept--Nov. 20, 2012 Unit One * I will expand my thoughts and plans in a future post*
1. Math--Danica McKellar and Kahn Academy
2. Science--Cells--using workbook and microscope
3. History--post Civil War America to 1910, then British history in preparation for Sophie's trip to England and Wales in late-October.

4.Language--Latin, Minimus Secondus
5. Writing / Grammar--workbook and Daily Spark

6. Reading/ Literature--Harry Potter, workbook, Daily Spark
7. Music/ Theater/ Art--Voice lessons TBD, Theater--Musicals history and catalog, and Art--styles, history, artists
EACH subject will include one major project for each unit. Sophie will therefore complete and present 7 Subject-based projects at the end of each unit.
Sophie will work hard again this year and will conclude her seventh grade term with an impressive catalog of learning and experiences.
Part of her homeschooling will also include skating 3-4 times a week during the schoolday for a couple of hours with her coach as she prepares for Regionals on October 20th. Skating fulfills not only her passion but also her physical activity part of her education.
Sophie will also have the opportunity to travel to England and Wales for a couple of weeks at the end of October with her grandmother to visit her aunt and uncle and triplet cousins! What an exciting year!
Great to see you 'back'. I am really looking forward to helping in any small way and to watching you learn in the wonderful way that you do!