
Friday, May 17, 2013

Days 132 & 133

7 x7 Seven Subjects & 7 things I learned   April 10 & 11, 2013    Days 132, 133

1.       Math

a. I like practicing math on Khan because it helps me practice doing math in my head, which I need more practice on.

b. The thing I wish Khan would change is when you typed the wrong number in for your answer, you lose all your points.

c. In arithmatricks today I practiced estimating by 49 and 51.

d. 700 / 49 = 14

e. 450 / 51 = 9

f. 320 / 49 = 6.4,

180 / 51 = 3.6

g. 910 / 49 = 18.2

270 / 51 = 5.4


2. Science

a. Today in Science I learned about geothermal energy. Geothermal energy is energy that comes from the heat of Earth’s core.

b. A geothermal power plant can capture the steam, and then run it through a turbine to generate electricity that can be transmitted to homes and businesses.

c. For every 328 feet you go into the ground, the temperature rises 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit!

d. So, 2.5 miles below the surface of the Earth, the temperature reaches 250 degrees Fahrenheit.

e. To make steam in some cases where steam does not naturally come out from the Earth’s core, Cold water is pumped into holes drilled very deep. The cold water is heated naturally by hot rock below. Hot water resurfaces where it is used to create electricity.

f. Some of the things used in a geothermal power station are a generator, Insulating sedimentary rock, and a heat exchanger.

g. The hot springs at Yellow Stone National Park are a perfect example of heat in the Earth’s crust producing hot water and steam.

3. History

a. I learned that Cleopatra lived the fantasy life of a young princess, until her father was driven out of Egypt and fled to Rome for help. That’s when Cleopatra turned from a young princess to a shrewd queen- in- waiting.

b. Cleopatra quoted, “The people did not like my father. They called him Auletes, the flute player, and they scorned his sacrifice of money, dignity, and land to the Romans, and yet he protected the throne.”

c. Cleopatra was the second child born to King Ptolemy XII. Her father was a weak and unpopular ruler, who managed to remain in power only by paying huge bribes to the Romans.

d. I learned that the name of the time of the flood of the Nile was known as, “Ahket.” This was from July to October.

e. Egyptian farmers worked with cycles as the waters rose and fell. Farmers never needed to use fertilizers because the floodwater made the soil so rich by the nutrients and silt the floodwaters left behind.

f. Egyptian farm tools included plows and hoes.

g. Schemu was the season of harvest in Egyptian times.


4. Language

a. Today in Spanish I worked more with time. And what I do in my daily routine.

b. I learned that in Spanish, when you talk about a daily routine, you use the verbs present tense, the verb shows who is doing the action. Miro, como, voy, hago. I watch, I eat, I go, I do.

c. Some verbs are known as reflexive verbs. Reflexive verbs always have a pronoun in front of them. Me levento. I get up

Me visto I dress

Me lavo los dientes. I clean my teeth.

d. When the preposition “a” is followed by the masculine noun, el becomes al.

Voy al colegio I go to school.

e. To talk about a specific time in Spanish you use the word, “a” A las diez, At ten o’ clock.

f. Me levanto a las siete y media. I get up at half past seven.

g. Como el medioda. I have lunch at midday.

5. Reading

a. In reading today I read a story about two kids who won a science fair.

b. Who are the characters in the story? Sean, Dexter, Sean’s mom, Mrs. Frommer.

c. What is the setting for the story? Time of year? Fall

Place 1: Dexter’s garage

Place 2: The science fair

Place 3: the computer store

Place 4: the science fair.

d. What is the problem in the story? Sean and Dexter don’t have enough money to buy a computer chip for the robot they are building for the science fair.

e. How do the main characters try to solve the problem?

They get jobs to try and earn enough money together to buy the computer chip.

f. What event helps the characters solve their problem?

When their Science teacher gives them a coupon to the computer store.

g. At the end of the story Dexter and Sean win the science fair.

6. Writing

a. In writing today I worked with figuring out what was a fact and what was an opinion.

b. Write two facts from the article that Daniel Murphy wrote. Reading involves having access to books.

c. The library is not open before or after school, and there is not enough time between classes.

d. Then I wrote two opinions from the article. By choosing their own opinions from choosing their own reading material students would be more motivated to read on their own.

e. Our school should rethink the library and its use.

f. Write some opinion words. Think, should, need.

g. Write an opinion fact from the response from Juanita:

I know so many kids who don’t really know what’s in the library.

7. Art

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