
Thursday, April 21, 2011

April 15-18, 2011 Day One-hundred and thirty-one & two


Sophie's Blog: Hey everyone, I just got back from Components camp in Ohio. Components camp is for figure skaters that compete. The components of competition are… "Choreography, Interpretation, Program Execution, Transitions, and Skating skills." Components are the things that get you the points in competition (other than the elements). In this components camp, we had Olympic coaches and Junior and national medalist coaches. We each were put in to teams depending on our level and age; I was put in to the "Annie" team (such a coincidenceJ.) We were each put in to Broadway teams and were expected to perform a group number to a song from our team. Our team was choreographed by world famous…. "Jamie Isley" who did our number to "It's a Hard Knock life" and "Tomorrow." We were on the ice 6 hours a day, and off ice for 4 hours, plus an hour and a half break, Lunch, and dinner. So 13 hour days for 4 days! I learned so much and so did Linda. Nut the best part about this camp is that I made friends with all of the girls on our team, there were 20 girls! I am in touch with most of them, by phone or email. My favorite classes were Interpretation, Disco Diva's, and Program Execution. In Interpretation we did all sorts of exercises. Like the mirror exercise to music, the statue exercise, an exercise where you had to go to the red line using only your top and torso, red line to blue line using only the legs, and then the rest going both. In Disco Diva class it was a dance class where we danced to Disco music which was fun. And in Program Execution we got put in to groups and made programs up together.

2 pages Guinness, 2 pages Sylvan

Chapter 1 American Revolution for Kids

Chapter 1 Road to Revolution

Sons of Liberty 5 x 5

5 Vocabulary

1. Tories: Colonists who remain loyal to England and fear the glowing rebellion

2. Loyalists: A person who remained loyal to England during the American Revolution; also called Tory

3. Lobsterbacks: The British REDCOATS were also known as "Lobsterbacks" during the Revolution.

4. Redcoats: British soldiers during the Revolution and even now are known as redcoats

5. Rabble-rouser: A person who stirs up the passions or prejudices of the public, usually for his or her own interests

5 Facts/ details

1. There is a tree in the center of Boston that is known as the Liberty tree, it was where the Boston tea party was planned.

2. John Hancock was the richest man in New England.

3. Mom, Lily, and I are going to brew a batch of Root beer soon.

4. If Samuel Adams had stuck to brewing, America might be singing, "God Save the King" instead of "The Star Spangled Banner."

5. I found three lucky penny's heads up today, one at the bottom of my dresser, one under a button in the desk on the computer, and one in between the couch pillows.

5 Sentences

1. In the book, "Road to revolution" by Stan Mack and Susan Champlin, the Tories push the kids down on their way to stopping the redcoats.

2. Loyalists were the more common names for Tories.

3. Get it; the "redcoats" were called "Lobsterbacks" because the back of their coats looked like lobsters!

4. The British army still wears red coats today.

5. The Boston tea party was a Rabble-Rous made by Samuel Adams.

5 Questions

1. What was Sam Adams' original job? A: Brewing

2. What is the Liberty Tree? A: A tree in the center of Boston where the Boston tea party was planned.

3. Who gave the Sons of Liberty their name? A: Issac Barre, who warned the British that the Sons of Liberty would revolt against their mother country

4. Who is Patrick Henry? A: He was an orator and politician who led the movement for independence in Virginia

5. What was the name of John Hancock's ship that was seized? A: The Liberty

5 Math from Fraction Stories page 45 Subtracting Mixed numbers with unlike denominators

1. How many degrees will it have to warm up before the ice cream starts to melt? A: 1 1/4

2. How many degrees above freezing will today's high be? A: 2 1/2

3. What is the difference between the current temperature and today's expected high? A: 3 3/4

4. By how many mile per hour does Billy predict the wind speed will increase? A: 1 1/3

5. How many inches of snow would have to fall to have a foot of snow on the ground by tonight? A: 7 2/3

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