
Monday, April 25, 2011

April 25, 2011 Day One-Hundred and Thirty-Six

5 x 5 for 5th Grade

Declaratory Act

  1. Vocabulary

1. Declare: to make known or state clearly, especially in explicit or formal terms

2. Consent: to give assent or permission

3. Compel: to force or drive, especially to a course of action

4. Repeal: to revoke or withdraw formally or officially

5. Writs of assistance: a writ of assistance is a written order (a writ) issued by a court instructing a law enforcement official, such as a sheriff, to perform a certain task

5 Sentences

1. The Declaratory Act was a declaration that declared the repeal of the Townsend act.

2. When British parliament declared the Declaratory Act they consented the Townsend act.

3. All of the acts before the battle of concord were compelling the colonists to war.

4. British parliament repealed the Townsend Act.

5. Before British Parliament agreed to the Declaratory Acts, they probably had a writ of assistance.

5 Facts & Details

1. The declaration stated that Parliament's authority was the same in America as in Britain and asserted Parliament's authority to make binding laws on the American colonies.

2. Although many in Parliament felt that taxes were implied in this clause, other members of Parliament and many of the colonists—who were busy celebrating what they saw as their political victory—did not.

3. The declaratory act was introduced by George Grenville.

4. Declaratory means to serve to declare, make known, or explain.

5. The Declaratory Acts also said that British Parliament could keep taxing the colonists.

5 Questions

1. Who was John Dickinson and what did he do after the Stamp Act? A: He wrote the Liberty song and he also wrote a declaration to King George denying their right to tax the colonies without consent.

2. What were some of the ways the Sons of Liberty and other Patriots protest the Stamp and other Acts? A: they wrote declarations, the Daughters of Liberty boycotted British goods, and stuff like the Boston Tea Party

3. How did the colonists feel after the Stamp Act was repealed and what did they do to celebrate? A: they celebrated by worshiping the King again and had huge bonfires

4. What is the Declaratory Act and what did it allow for England? A: It allowed England the right to tax the colonies how much and for whatever they wanted

5. What did Parliament member Charles Townsend shout when one of his fellow member's say that Parliament didn't dare tax the colonists? A: "I will!"

5 Math from Fraction Stories Skill 16: Multiplying Fractions

1. What is 2/3 of ½? A: 1 /3

2. What is ¾ of 2/3? A: 1/ 2

3. What fraction of the Cheese Man does Vicki love now? A: 7/10

4. What fraction of the Cheese Man feels happy? A: 5/8

5. What is ½ of ¾? A: 3/8

Skating: 10:30-noon and again 5:00-6:00

Math: 1 page Guinness, 1 page Sylvan

Read: Chapter 2 Road to Revolution

Read: George v George, pages 1-18

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