
Monday, June 6, 2011

June 5 & 6, 2011 Days One-Hundred and Sixty-seven & eight

5 x 5 for 5th Grade

This is Sophie's last and final 5 x 5 for 5th grade!

She worked on this "double" 5 x 5 and then also studied for the up-coming math review and worked for a couple hours on her Power Point Presentation for the American Revolution. We're in our final week of 5th grade homeschool year and she's doing great!

The Constitution

5 Vocabulary

1. Constitution: The fundamental political principles on which a state is governed

2. Revise: to amend or alter

3. Ordain: to decree or appoint

4. Election: the selection of a person or persons by office of vote

5. Union: the act of uniting two or more things

6. Executive, legislative, judiciary: The three branches of the government ordained by the United States Constitution and the people

7. Quorum: the number of members in a group or organization required to be present in order to transact business legally

5 Sentences

1. The Constitutional Convention met in May, 1787.

2. The Articles of Confederation was revised into the United States Constitution.

3. "To ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America," was the last line of The Preamble to the Constitution.

4. George Washington declared that there would be an election every four years to let the people vote and decide whether the president is worthy of serving two terms, two terms was the limit.

5. The Constitutional Convention came together as a union to discuss the new country.

6. The executive branch is the President, the legislative is the Congress, and the judiciary is the courts.

7. There were twelve in the quorum of the Constitutional Convention.

5 Facts & Details

1. Gouverner Morris was nicknamed "the tall boy" because he gave 173 speeches during the Constitutional Convention

2. Patrick Henry didn't want to be a part of the Constitutional Convention so he walked in and said, "I smell a rat" and then walked out.

3. Elbridge Gerry was nicknamed "The Grumbletonian" because he complained so much.

4. Jefferson was impressed by the list of delegates calling them "an assembly of demi-gods."

5. Rhode Island did not come to the Constitutional Convention

6. The Constitution declared that slaves were to be treated as three fifths of a person

7. Ben Franklin wrote the preamble for the Constitution

5 Questions

1. How many men gathered at the Grand Convention? A: 55 men from 12 states

2. Who was James Madison? A: The youngest member of the Constitutional Convention, the 4th president of the United States and "no bigger than a half piece of soap!" he was also the important because he was the secretary

3. How many votes did each state have? A: One vote, no matter the delegates

4. What was the "Virginia Plan"? A: It was plan that proposed to national government with an executive, a court system and a two branched legislature

5. What was the Great Compromise? A: The argue between the states about how many representatives each state should bring

6. What is the first sentence of the Constitution? A: We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense promote the General Welfare and secure the blessings of Liberty, to ourselves and our posterity, to ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America

7. What are the first 10 amendments of the Constitution called? A: The Bill of Rights

5 Math from Fraction Stories Skill (LAST ONE!) 26: Fraction Number Sense

1. Names two fractions that are smaller than 5/6= ½ & 1/4

2. Name 2 fractions larger than ¼ and smaller than ½ = 3/8 & 1/3

3. Names a fraction smaller than ½ that has an odd number = 3/7

4. Name a fraction that's smaller than 3/8 and larger than ¼ = 1/3

5. What fractions could you split in half to get 1/6? 1/3

6. Write the fraction 1/3 as a decimal = .33

7. Write the decimal .33 as a fraction = 33/100 or 1/3



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