
Friday, June 10, 2011

June 7 & 8 2011 Days One-Hundred and Sixty-nine & seventy!

We're winding down and getting all set for the start of Annie rehearsals and summer! We spend Tuesday driving to Friendship and having music lessons with Kat. This has been important this week because we learned that one of the first things that will happen Saturday morning is that each "orphan" will meet with the director for another individual audition to determine which orphan part each girl gets and she will have to sing one of the Annie songs for that audition. Sophie and Kat have been busy learning other Broadway songs and composing their own music, so it was good to reacquaint Sophie with the Annie music so that she feel confident and assured for Saturday morning.

Then we took a couple of hours and made the drive out the Pemaquid to walk around Fort William Henry and the remains of Fort Frederick, which were important to Maine during the Indian wars. It was a lovely day, a little chilly in the sea wind and we happened to coincide with a couple of school groups but it was still fun and a nice drive and day in the summer sun.

*Sophie also studied for the Math Review—50 questions~

We spent time at the farm and Sophie finished her Chemistry, which she had to do all at once because she forgot her book at Kat's in Friendship last week. So here are the last four chapter reports for Kitchen Chemistry:

Chemistry Chapter Report for Amazing Kitchen Chemistry Projects You Can Build Yourself

by Cynthia Light Brown

Chapter Name: gases

  1. List any glossary words and definitions.

    Gas: A state of matter where the particles are not bound to each other and move very fast in all directions

    Temperature: a measure of the average speed of molecules in a substance

    Gas Pressure: the force of gas molecules hitting the surface of a container

    Elevation: height above sea level

    Vacuum: A space that is empty of matter

    Atmosphere: the blanket of air surrounding Earth

  2. List 5 facts/details you learned from the chapter.
    1. Because gases have so much space between the molecules gases can be compressed or squeezed into a smaller space
    2. Oxygen gas molecules on a warm day travel an average speed of 1,030 miles per hour faster than a jet plane
    3. Those oxygen molecules don't cross a room very fast though
    4. Because they each have about 5-6 billion crashes with other molecules in one second
    5. Water bears are smaller than the head of a pin



  3. Summarize the chapter in at least 5 sentences.


    I wonder how many molecules are in one tank of gas, I wonder how many molecules come out of your ear when it makes that popping noise!? These questions will be answered and were answered by me in the chapter "Gases." The gases they talk about in the chapter are not the kinds that you get after beans, but there are tons of molecules in those gases as well. One interesting thing I learned about gases is that the atoms inside the molecule disappear when the molecule touches gas.





  4. What did you learn?


    I learned about how molecules collide with each other in tight, locked in spaces like gas

Chemistry Chapter Report for Amazing Kitchen Chemistry Projects You Can Build Yourself

by Cynthia Light Brown

Chapter Name: Poly

  1. List any glossary words and definitions.

    Polymer: a long chained molecule made up of smaller molecules, called monumers to form a polymer

    Monomer: a small molecule that can link with other monumers to form a polymer

    Kevlar: A polymer fiber that is stronger than steel but very light, it is used to make bullet-proof vests and other body armor

    Dialant liquid: A liquid that flows more slowly when a force is supplied

    Polymertazation: A chemical reaction in which two or more molecules combine to form larger polymer units




  2. List 5 facts/details you learned from the chapter.
    1. Poly comes from a Greek word that means many
    2. Mono, means one in Greek
    3. Kevlar is 5 times stronger than steel
    4. Frisbees, Fingernails, Latex Paint, Nylon Clothing, Balloons, Silk, wool, and cotton, Basketballs, Cellulose in plants, Tennis Racket strings, Plastic Bags, Toys, and YOU, are all made of Polymers!
    5. Water cannot form polymers





  3. Summarize the chapter in at least 5 sentences.

    This chapter teaches the readers about polymers and monumer molecules. They are connected molecules that make up tons of stuff. This chapter doesn't want you to think that everything is made up of water though, so one of the science projects is trying to see if there are any polymers in water. That's right you guessed it there aren't!






  4. What did you learn?

    I learned what polymers were, And what they do. I think polymers are really cool. And I think it is interesting that a monumer is attracted to other monumers because I thought no molecules could join each other, but monumer molecules can. The monumers form a polymer which is the chain like chemical found in almost everything!

Chemistry Chapter Report for Amazing Kitchen Chemistry Projects You Can Build Yourself

By Cynthia Light Brown

Chapter Name:

  1. List any glossary words and definitions.

    1. Phase change: the change of one state of matter-solid, liquid, or gas to another

    2. Heat: the total energy from the motion of all of the particles in a substance

    3. Latent heat: the heat that is released or absorbed when a substance changes its state

    4. Water vapor: the gas state of water

    5. Temperature: a measure of the average speed of molecules in a substance




  2. List 5 facts/details you learned from the chapter.

    1. Heat always flows from hot objects to cold objects

    2. That is known as the second law of thermodynamics

    3. Tungsten is used in nearly all incandescent light bulbs

    4. A metal must be heated to very high temperatures before it will emit light

    5. Most metals melt before they reach that point





  3. Summarize the chapter in at least 5 sentences.

    This chapter talks about how liquids, solids, and gas, change to make different substances of gas, liquids, and solids. That is called a change of state, light bulbs perform a change of state in temperature when you turn them on. Vacuums also produce a change of state they are getting used. When the gas reacts to the liquid or solid, it is a change of state.






  4. What did you learn?



    I learned that liquids, gas, and solids could collide together and that is a change of state. Before I read this chapter I thought they were all different substances and I had no idea that they could perform a change of state.

Chemistry Chapter Report for Amazing Kitchen Chemistry Projects You Can Build Yourself

by Cynthia Light Brown

Chapter Name: Water, Water

  1. List any glossary words and definitions.
    1. Aquifer: Rocks, Sand, or gravels, located underground that contain water
    2. Microorganism: Anything living that is so small that you can only see it with a microscope
    3. Polarity: the quality of a molecule having one end with a negative charge, and the other with a positive charge

      That's all for this chapter




  2. List 5 facts/details you learned from the chapter.
    1. Eiffel Plaster, a high school science teacher who experimented with bubbles, blew a bubble that lasted for 341 days
    2. Sir James Dewar, A Scottish chemist and physicist, made a disc of soap that filmed over 3 years!
    3. Rubidium is so reactive it will burst into flames when exposed to water
    4. Rubidium sometimes catches fire in the air because of water vapor in the air!
    5. A single grain of sugar contains… 1,000,000,000,000,000,000, molecules






  1. Summarize the chapter in at least 5 sentences.

    This chapter ties in with the whole book and everything we learned about has something to do with water. I think that the most interesting thing is that the water in just a glass of water is completely uncountable and all of the molecules in the glass are microscopic. This is the final chapter so it wraps the whole book with a super cool project that has to do with BUBBLES!






  2. What did you learn?


    I learned about polymers in the ocean and how some people who go scuba-diving mistake them for tiny bugs. I think water is very interesting, and it is definitely interesting with chemistry.

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