
Monday, February 13, 2012

Days 114 & 115 Geology

Day 114 & 115

LA Book: 2 pages
Math: 2 pages
Link to Book
Solving Math Problems in Weather: Exercise 1 Latitude & Climate

Geology 6 x 6

Using book: Earth’s Shifting Surface,  pages 4-11
Link to Book
And Learning About Rocks, Weathering, and Erosion with Graphic Organizers by Diana Estigarribia
Link to Book
6 Vocabulary

1. Landscape: A large scale picture of natural scenery and large parts of Earth

2. Crust (as in Earth’s): The Outer Layer of Earth, divided into continental and oceanic crust

3. Tectonic plates: 20 or so continental and oceanic plates that make up Earth’s crust. The movements of the plates are responsible for Volcanoes and Earthquakes and for the changing position of the continents over a million years ago.

4. Molten: Melted Rock in a liquid form

5. Mantle (as in Earth): Part of the Earth that lies between the Crust and Core

6. Seismometer: Device used to detect shock waves traveling through Earth caused by earthquakes

6 Sentences

1. Artists often paint landscapes because they are unchanging.

2. The Crust is known as the thin skin of solid rock, now you see how bread crusts got its name!

3. Each Tectonic plate is made from a solid slab of lithosphere, a combination of the Crust plus the uppermost part of the Mantle.  

4. When Magma is lifted onto the crust of the Earth it rises and creates molten.

5. The Mantle is I, 800 miles below The Earth’s Crust; the temperatures are so high inside the Mantle that the rock slowly becomes magma.

6. By using seismometers to measure the way shock waves travel through Earth, scientists have been able to build up a picture of the inside Earth.

6 Facts/ Details

1. Fossil hunters have discovered Fossils from the same kinds of Dinosaurs on Either side of the Atlantic Ocean. It is a clue that the Continents were once joined.

2. Scientists, at the beginning of the 20th century wrongly believed that the continents were once joined by bridges of land.

3. When Oceanic crust crashes into a continent, it is pushed down into the asthenosphere and melts away.

4. Trenches in Earth’s oceans can be explored using a diving bell

5. The Rocky Mountains of North America were formed over 120 million years ago.

6. The Rocky Mountains were formed when the Pacific Plate collided with the North American Plate

6 Questions *use Earth’s Shifting Surface pg 4-11
1. What is an analogy the book uses to describe the Earth’s crust? A: The thin layer of skin

2. What happens when one tectonic plates collides with another over long periods of time? A: it could create new continents or really big Earthquakes or tsunamis

3. How old are the oldest rocks on Earth? A: 3.8 billion years old

4. Describe the theory of a cosmic collision: Scientists have a theory that Earth was almost destroyed shortly after it was formed, a massive object as big as the planet Mars collided with it, that’s how the moon was formed. The surface of the planet that remained turned to molten

5. What is one of the main differences between the oceanic and continental crust of the earth? A: One of the main differences between the oceanic and Continental crust is that the Oceanic crust has much younger rock than the Continental which makes them both very unique.

6. How deep into the Earth have people drilled so far? A: 7 miles

6 Images

6 Points learned from Graphic Organizer—Venn Diagram: Weathering and Erosion

1. Weathering Softens the Rock and creates soil, clay, sand, and gravel

2. Weathering is caused by living things

3. Weathering and Erosion can be caused by ice, water, or wind

4. Weathering and Erosion shapes land and creates new landforms

5. Erosion Moves Rock Particles and it can be caused by gravity

6. Erosion helps weathering to continue

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