
Monday, April 1, 2013

Days 120 & 121

7 x7 Seven Subjects & 7 things I learned March 27, 2013   Days 120-121

1.       Math

Kahn Academy ½ hour

2. Science

Finish Science Project

Newton’s Three Laws of Motion

Newton’s three laws of motion were a turning point in the study of science. Newton wrote down these three laws in a complicated form, in a book called, “Principia.”

“Principia” also explained the idea of gravity. Isaac Newton and many other scientists around 1640 like, Edmond Halley worked together and came up with the idea of gravity.

Newton first thought about gravity when an apple fell on his head from an apple tree, he wondered if the same force that pulled the apple down from the tree, is the force that keeps the moon connected to the Earth. He thought about this subject for many years, and did many experiments.

When he finally came up with a logical and reasonable solution and did the math down on paper, he discovered the force of gravity. Gravity is the force that keeps everything connected to the Earth’s surface, Gravity is the reason why we can walk on the ground and don’t just float up in the air, and Gravity is the reason, when you do a jump on figure skates, you come down back to the ice, and don’t just stay up in the air.

After Newton discovered a way to explain gravity, he found a way to explain his law of physics.

3. History

a. I think my favorite battle of World War II, was the Battle of the Bulge, because it took so long and it was so neat the that the allies were able to claim a victory if they went even 2 feet onto enemy lines and capturing territory while pushing Germany back, I thought it was also really cool when the great WWII moment when General Patten came in to help the Allies in the Battle of the Bulge.

b. I think the most devastating story of World War II, are the stories of all the Jews that were captured by Nazi Germans and sent to concentration camps. I really liked watching the Diary of Anne Frank because I could see all of the fear in her family’s eyes, and when they were captured.

c. I think the coolest stories about WWII are the stories of the double agent spies. I really liked the stories from the book in Daily Spark about the Russian spy who got captured by the Germans and pretended to spy on the Russians giving the Germans false statements about the Russians location and such, he was never caught which was really cool.

d. I think the most devastating thing about WWII are all the cities that were destroyed by bombs, Berlin, London, Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and all the other cities and civilians who were killed by great bombs.

e. I think my favorite picture from World War II is the picture in Iwo Jima with the soldiers raising the American Flag in the morning to tell the sleeping soldiers we won.

f. I think my favorite Allied victory from World War II, is when they were successful with the invasion of Normandy. 

g. I think that my favorite quote from World War II is Winston Churchill’s, “We have never owed so much too so few.”

4. Language

Spanish song

1.       In the Spanish song that I listened to it talked about the weather. I learned that “Hace buen tiempo” means, “The weather is”

2.        Some ways of describing the weather are: frio (cold)

Calor (sunny)

Freso (chilly)

Nublado (cloudy.)

3.       I learned that Bien tiempo means good weather

4.       Mal tiempo is bad weather. So if it was raining outside instead of saying, Hace bien tiempo llaviendo, you would say Hace mal tiempo llaviendo. It is raining.

5.       Temperature in Spanish is, “Temputura.” F and “Tempeturo” M.

6.       IF it is two different knds of weather you could say, “Hace calor y nublado” It is sunny and cloudy.

7.       The weather outside right now is, “Hace calor.”

5. Reading

a. In reading today I read a story about London in 1601, I had to look online, (except I didn’t because I went to London) and give a description of all the landmarks mentioned in the story:

London Bridge: London Bridge is actually called the tower bridge because of its two large, blue and gold towers with a walkway connecting them, the tower bridge is a beautiful sight, and many people confuse it with London Bridge which is just a straight, gray, cement bridge right before it.

b. The Thames River: The Thames River is pronounced, “Tems” It is the center line between the region of London and the region of Westminster.

c. Westminster: Westminster is the region of London where all of the beautiful royalty –is, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, The house of Parliament, and more.

d. The city of London: A very large city in England, full of many towers and buildings and beautiful sights.

e. Then I had to right a short definition of each word from what I could tell from the text: Extensive: Extended, long

f. Navigable: Able o be navigated, easy to find

g. Country Seats: country scenes, fields

Shad: fish

6. Writing

a. Today in writing I named my story, “Double Trouble”

b. I continued on:

6 years later, Jacksonville, Florida:

Reagan and her family were transported to Jacksonville six years ago with not a clue what was going on. Steven found a job, and a house and the family found a way to make a living. Reagan’s 16th birthday was next week, her family was planning a huge party and a surprise, they were going to move to California! “Hi Dana, its Claire, just wanted to make sure Hannah could come to the party.” Reagan’s mom was very nervous and wanted to make sure that all of Reagan’s friends would be able to make it to the party. “Call me back, Thank you bye.” Claire was definitely an over worrier just like Melissa’s mom, I guess the duplicate picked up the same personality, except of course, that the duplicates, didn’t know they were duplicates! Melissa’s parents weren’t making a big deal out of Melissa’s birthday as Reagan’s parents were, they were just planning a small family gathering and that was not at all what Melissa wanted .Melissa had almost completely forgotten about the clone spell until her wizard teacher taught it to her, however, her wizard teacher left out a very important part about the spell, when the wizard that casted the spell turns 16, and the clone has not yet been destroyed, the clone starts copying all of the wizards actions!

7. Music

Practice & lesson with Grandpa Mike on FaceTime.

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