
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 21, 2010 Day Seventy-Two

Happy Solstice!

Sophie's blog: (the gift of the magi) Hello this is Sophie summarizing in 20 sentences (again) the story of," The Gift of the Magi". This sweet old English story is about this young adult Della, who has super long hair, her only treasure. And her husband, Jim who has a gold watch his special possession. The only left over money that Della had was one dollar and 87 cents. That was all the money to buy her beloved Jim a present. In the meantime, Jim wasn't being paid as much money as he was supposed to and he only had a little bit of money to buy his darling Della a present. So he sold his gold watch to buy Della the combs she had been dreaming of. Back on Della's side of the story, Della saw a hair salon and decided to cut and sell her beautiful long hair. In return the hair stylist women gave her 20 dollars. So she bought Jim a chain from his watch. She looked at herself in the mirror and wondered if Jim would still like her even though her hair was short. So when Jim got home, he looked at her in curiosity and didn't speak, He thought that now that she had her cut she couldn't use the combs, but then gave Della a hug. They opened each other's gift knowing that they sacrificed their most special possession for them. This story teaches that sometimes you have to give up something important to you to make another person happy. This story made me tear up, thanks for reading GOODBYE! –Sophie

Christmas Mad Lib                            December 21, 2010

I have had a ____________ _______________ Christmas'. I don't ___________ what I got on my first

        (number)    (adjective)                (verb)

_______________. But I will have many more _______________ ______________ to come! My

(noun)                        (adjective)        (noun pl.)

______________ part of Christmas would be the ______________. I love _______________ the

(adjective)                        (noun pl.)        (verb-ing)

________________ . I also like___________ the ______________ because they are so ______________

(noun pl.)            (verb-ing)    (noun pl.)                (adjective)

when I get to _____________ them. This year we made ______________ of ______________. I ate

        (verb)                    (number)        (noun pl.)

about ____________ of them. Yum! Another thing I ___________ like about Christmas is the _________

    (number)                    (adverb)             (adjective)

____________. I have gotten so many presents I don't _____________ a lot of ________________.

(noun)                            (verb)            (noun pl.)

But it's the _____________ that counts! I bet you _______________ love these things about _________

        (noun)                (adverb)                 (noun)

too. I hope you have a very ______________ Christmas!


Solstice Goals and Dreams ritual—find a stick in the shape of a person, which represents yourself, write your goals and dreams on a slip of paper and wrap the man with it, then put it away until solstice next year, when you will pull it out and review your goals and dreams for the year 2011.

Skating: land at least 2 more doubles and place in 2 competitions.

Have Thanksgiving dinner all organic and local!

See the Triplets more often.

Keep everyone in our family healthy & safe.

Not let anyone get hurt.

See a shooting star.

Go to Disney for sure this year!

Make Christmas gifts all homemade.

See my friends more often.

Stay homeschooled.

Have more of Mom's peanut chicken dinners!

Get my dresser and chest painted.

See Amanda, Ben and Connie more often.

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