
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

November 30th & December 1, Day Fifty-Seven & Eight

Since Sophie worked so hard on his first unit and accomplished so much with her presentation and she is so busy preparing for the Christmas skate show and Miracle on 34th Street and because homeschool is about learning, not testing, we are spending the school-month of December making Christmas gifts for everyone on our list. Sophie will continue to complete three 5 x 5 s a week and they will be a little different than what we have been doing, which have been thematically linked to the unit. For the month of December the 5 x 5s will vary between commonly misspelled words, fun words, holiday-inspired words, etc. Also we've made a big change after Sophie's math Review to replace the pictures/illustrations with 5 math problems.

Sophie will continue to post her blog and I will make some comments but we are going forward in stealth-mode on our projects and any details of what she's doing because she is making Christmas gifts. At the end of December we will list and take photos of all she's learned and made. It will be great!

So welcome to the month of December and almost Day 60 of school—I can't believe it! Sophie and I both consider this part of school as a "break" but she will continue to learn! Today she is off with Gamma to the fabric store and next week will learn how to cut a pattern and use the sewing machine…and there's math to practice in cookie-baking...Happy Holidays All!

5 x 5 for 5th Grade

5 Vocabulary

1. Ordinarily: A common occurrence

2. Weather: A noun describing meteorological conditions of the Earth

3. Whether: Connecting word used in comparison

4. Scholastic: Of or pertaining to education

5. Necessarily: As an inevitable or natural consequence

5 Details/Facts

1. My favorite Christmas song is "Twelve Days of Christmas" by, "Fr Russel Roide. "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

2. The 3 ghosts in a Christmas Carol are the ghost of Christmas past, present and future.

3. The Christmas Carol was written by Charles Dickens.

4. Mom's favorite Christmas song is, "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas."

5. "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" was written by Ralph Blaine.

5 Sentences

1. Mom said I could combine all my words and make one sentence.

2. We ordinarily go to Friendship for a scholastic reason, but not necessarily every Tuesday whether the weather is fine.




5 Questions

1. What year was The Christmas Carol written? A: The book was written on December 19, 1843

2. What kind of math did Hypatia work on? A: She did astronomy, philosophy, and mathematics.

3. What are two definitions for the word "score"? A: The record of points or strokes in a sport and composition of music

4. What is a soucow jump in skating? A: A jump taking off from an inside edge going a half rotation around, or a double 2 times a round.

5. Who is your favorite skater? A: Either Sasha Cohen, Even Lysachek, or Kim Yu Na.

5 Math

1. 204 x 32 = 6,528

2. 81 x 81 = 6,561

3. Take the two sums from 1 & 2 and multiply together. 426,980,208

4. If we drive 50 miles to Friendship on Tuesday and the Prius gets 48 miles to the gallon and gas is $3.05 a gallon, how much gas do we use and how much money does it cost to drive? $ 6:10c

5. 5463/ 32 = 170r23





Cooking—Christmas cookies, round 1

Letter to Santa

Plus skating & rehearsal

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