
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 29, 2010 Day Fifty-Six

5 x 5 for 5th Grade

5 Math

5 Vocabulary

1. Wednesday: The fourth day of the week

2. Experience: An act or activity that you've done before, that you're good at; you can offer experience

3. Sincerely: A formal closing remark in a letter

4. Experiment: Usually pertaining to science to test out a theory

5. Especially: With special emphasis

5 Details/Facts

1. Wednesday comes from the god Wodan.

2. Virgo is the biggest constellation in the zodiac.

3. The next unit I'm going to learn about is colonial life.

4. My play on Thanksgiving was called The Voyage of 1586.

5. Celestial is referring to the stars and sky.

5 Sentences

1. At 7:00 in the morning on Wednesday, I'm on the ice!

2. Dead reckoning doesn't have a tool to help out other than a brain, good eyesight and experience.

3. If you were writing a letter to the president, you would always sign it sincerely.

4. We did a science experiment a while ago, with the bottle cap and the needle.

5. I love to skate, especially in performances.

5 Questions & Answers

1. What was the theme of today's 5 x 5 vocabulary words? A: easily misspelled words

2. What are two common pairs of letters that often lead to misspelled words? A: c and s and e and i

3. What is the goal for school for December? A: To make ALL of our Christmas presents.

4. What is the purpose for taking a Review? A: To make sure I've learned everything

5. What was your favorite part of presenting your play and portfolio? A: Writing the script

5 Math Problems

  1. 240 x 81 = 19,440


  2. 4562 / 24 = 185r2



  3. ½ + ½ + ½ = 1 whole and a half?


  4. How many degrees for a half-circle? 180%


  5. Name one Greek mathematician. Hypatia, was considered the first notable mathematician.



Sophie's Blog: Hello folks, I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving! I sure did, Uncle Aaron and Grandpa Mike and Grandma Linda came down. In the morning, I performed my play, and everyone watched my portfolio presentation. Tonight I have rehersal, we're going to run through the whole show. Next week we start with costume!! I can't wait to perform it next weekend. Mom said I could get a T-shirt. I want one because this is the first play I've ever really been in, and I'm starring in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday at skating I fell and brused my hip. I was really proud of myself though because I didn't cry. I can't wait for the Christmas show. It's going to be so much fun doing Lasso Santa Claus.

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