
Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 3, 2010 Day Forty

Music with Kat
Practice scales and warm-ups. Worked on "Annie" music. Tough first note she has to hit in ballad "Maybe"—comes right in without a piano introduction. Sophie has to practice that first note to "nail it!"
Art with Gamma
Worked on Ben's "before" portrait. Sophie drew the portrait "free hand" without assistance from Gamma but using what she has learned. Her goal for this first portrait is to use it as Ben's first attempt before his lessons with Samuel. So Sophie worked hard on doing a good job on the portrait but trying not to make it too good so that she can show his improvement on stage with the "after" portrait, which she will start next week. Sophie and Gamma also played and did some really cool exercises with listening to music and "quieting her critical mind" and free-hand drawing.

Language Arts with Bill
Worked on Encyclopedia entry
A Child's First Library of Learning "Sky and Earth" 20 Questions
  1. What were the 5 steps to form the Earth?
    Gas and particles = clumps formed cloud. A ball of matter was formed. The ball heated up from the inside, melted the matter and formed a solid ball. Gas and steam from the center erupted to form water and sky.
  2. Why is the sky blue?
    Sunlight hits the atmosphere, creates a blue color
  3. Why does the Sun seem to move?
    Because the Earth's spinning makes the sun look like it moves
  4. Why is the sky red at sunset?
    Sunsets appear red because red is the only color in sunset to reach out eyes
  5. What happens in the Summer at the North Pole? How about in the Winter?
    Sun doesn't go down, never comes up.
  6. What is moonlight?
    Reflected sunlight
  7. Why is there sometimes a moon in the daytime?
    Leaving late, got caught by the sun
  8. Why do stars twinkle?
    Light passes through moving air, causing twinkling
  9. What is another name for the Pleiades Cluster?
    The Seven Sisters
  10. What is the North Star used for?
  11. Where do shooting stars go?
    Burn up to friction of the atmosphere
  12. What is a UFO?
    Unidentified Flying Object
  13. What is ET short for?
    Extra Terrestrial life
  14. Why is seawater salty?
    Salt is worn away from rocks and soil
  15. Why is the sea blue?
    When sunlight hits the surface only blue light reflects back
  16. How did the mountains get there?
    When the Earth's crust was formed
  17. Where and how do rivers start?
    In the mountains from rain
  18. Why do we have earthquakes?
    Plates in the Earth press against each other
  19. Why don't trees grow in the dessert? What is an oasis?
not enough rain. Green spot in the dessert with water
  1. Why is there water underground?
    Rain water soaks in the ground
Reading: The Phantom Tollbooth
Reading aloud: Longfellow's "Song of Hiawatha"
Mad Lib: Henry Hudson & John Cabot
John Cabot and Henry _____________ _____________ to the ___________ World from England. John
            (Noun)        (Verb)            (adjective)
took two _______________ to the ____________ World. Hudson took __________ voyages to the
    (nouns pl.)         (adjective)                (adjective)
_________ World. But what these _____________ explorers had in common is that they were both
(adjective)                (number)
_____________ for ____________ Northwest ___________________ to __________________.
(verb)            (adjective)        (noun)            (country)
Both of them ____________ to the New World, but both ___________. Hudson also sailed for
        (verbed)                (verbed)
_________________ once, but they wanted him to find the North_________ Passage. But
(country)                             (noun)   
Hudson wanted to find the Northwest ____________, so he headed to the _______________.
                    (noun)                    (noun)
Another thing Cabot and Hudson have in common, they never _____________ home. No one knows
what happened to Cabot, but Hudson was ____________. Cabot was the first ____________ since the
                     (verbed)                (noun)
Vikings to find _______________. King ______________ the _____________ called John Cabot his
        (country)        (name)            (number)
______________. This is what I ___________ _______________ about in _____________.
(adjective)            (adverb)    (verb)            (noun)

Sophie's Blog: What kinds of music did you listen to with Gamma when you worked on the "quieting critical mind" exercises? Why is the song "Maybe" from Annie going to be hard to sing? What did we decide about performing your play? What did you do with Emma this week at your sleep-over? Tell us about the song you're writing.
I listened to all sorts of music. We listened to jazz, relaxation, Kids songs, Phantom of the opera, and lots more. The song maybe from Annie starts in with a weird lower note, then up into a high note may- be. We are going to have the scene I wrote today as our last scene, and I'm going to have another scene in the middle about monotony. At my sleepover with Emma I watched dancing with the stars. In the morning I made mom a bag that has an owl on it and says MOM on it. The song I'm writing is called I'm moving on. Here are the lyrics: I'm moving on, I don't need you, I'm ready for something new, I'm done, and I'm not in the mood, I'm moving on, I guess the skies are back to blue, I don't want to think about you, I'll find, someone who'll care and be true, I'm moving on. ( that's only the chorus ) !!!!!!!!!!

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