
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 1, 2010 Day Thirty-Eight

Encyclopedia: Night Sky
The Night Sky Pg 64-73
  1. What is "light pollution" and what is one recommendation for sky gazing?
    The glare from a flashlight, big cities, dirty air can make it hard to see stars
  2. How do you use the star finder in this book?
Check your clock, then find the hours on the edge of the star finder, then find the astrological sign for the month
  1. How many "official" constellations are there?
  2. What are two other names for the North Star?
    Polaris and the Pole Star
  3. How is the distance across the sky measured? Hint: it's not temperature!
    In degrees
  4. What is the Greek legend about Orion?
That he's a lonely warrior searching for love

  1. What is a star's magnitude?
    The measure of how brightly it shines in the sky
  2. Tell the myth about Andromeda. What are the other 2 constellations near her?
Andromeda's mother was so mad about her beauty that she angered a group of sea monsters to destroy her homeland. Just before a monster ate her, a prince came and rescued her and they rode off on the back of the Pegasus.
2 constellations near her: Pegasus and Cygnus
  1. Name the constellations of the Zodiac. What does the Greek word Zodiac mean?
    Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagitarious, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

  2. What is astrology?
    The study of the effects of stars and other objects in space on people's life
Bonus: List 10 Brightest Stars
Belelguese, Sirius, Polaris, Capella, Rigel, Proyeon, Achernon, Achernar, Alpha Centauri

Play—Act 2, Sc. 4
Scene 4 act 2
Cast: Samuel, Ben , Captain Berin , Adoette , Ariel
Location: Landing in Penobscot bay
Name of scene: The landing
Samuel: Captain, bring sailor James was up in the Crows nest land ho!
Captain: Thank you Samuel, bring Ben in here please
Ben: Hello sir, are we close to land yet sir?
Captain: Go see for ya self son
Ben: Oh boy! Land, land!!! I wonder if there are any savages on the land
Captain: Oh Ben boy, that is not the correct word to use. Savages are also known as native people and that's what they really are. Savages is just what Columbus called them. I trust these Native people and they are really truly peaceful, and will trade with us. But one of us needs to know Indian language.
Samuel: Indian??
Captain: I mean native language. Samuel, do you know the language?
Samuel: Well sir, I happen to know just a tiny bit of,
Captain: Well then it's settled. Choose some things to trade.
( successful landing music playing in the back as they land in Penobscot bay.) ( curtain goes down, not end of scene )
Ben: ( to Samuel ) Wow sir it sure is beautiful. What are those pretty colors hanging from those trees over there? I'd sure love to use them in my art Samuel. They're floating in the sky, it's so peculiar.
Samuel: Oh Ben, those are just leaves. But your right, it would be wonderful to paint them.
Captain: Hey, look there is a natives over there, Samuel go talk with him.
Samuel: Sir, I was saying I knew the native language for the southern Virginia natives, but not these ones.
Captain: Oh
Ben: I might be able to communicate with them with art?!
Captain and Samuel: Ben, what a great idea!
Ben: In my cabin, I was working on a piece of art to communicate with them, it tells them we come in peace and mean no harm. It's based on pictures of them that I thought they looked like. Sailor James helped me with it, since he has been to Virginia before and seen the natives.
Samuel: Ben, this is wonderful. It's talking to them with pictures. It's a picture sentence!
Adoette: ( Indian call)
( Ben shows the picture sentence )
Adoette: ( quickly draws another picture sentence )( talks in native American language )
Ben: (Slowly reads the drawing) We welcome you to this land
( Ben quickly draws picture sentence )
Samuel: What does it say?
Ben: Would you indigenous people have some food or shelter for us?
Adoette: ( reads the drawing ) Indian language ( draws sentence )
Samuel: ( reads ) Yes, just come inside my wigwam, I have some succotash and maize for you.
Ben: Yum!!!
Captain: Ben, you saved us all! Everyone: ( Ariel enters and chants ruff ) Ben, Ben, Ben!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adoette: ( in sign language ) do you have anything to trade?
Ben: ( in sign language, but translates to the audience after ) I'll trade my hat for that belt
Adoette: ( sign language ) yes
Ben: This food is delicious
Captain: Yes, now, when we head back to Bristol we'll all become famous, since we were the first to land in this region ( putting down the English flag ) Are you ready for that boys.
Samuel: Goodnight Ben
Captain: Goodnight Ben
Adoette: (sign language ) Goodnight Ben ( Indian call )
Ben: Indian call
End of scene 4

Art practice
"Ships Log"—Prop for play & Age of Discovery Scrapbook—30 daily entries for The Calderwood goal by the end of the week. 10 entries today ranging in topic of dead reckoning, weather, rations, sightings, destination, etc.

Skating 3:30-5:30
Script practice & Rehearsal 6-9pm
Sophie's Blog: I had a busy weekend! Halloween was this weekend, and Sadie's party was too. Sadie's party was Saturday. There were 8 girls including me: Kate, Fiona, Miranda, Abby, Lila, Daphne, Sophie, and Sadie of course. We had a big clothing swap and I got 20 items! Halloween Sadie came over, It was cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There were a lot of cool costumes and I got a boat load of candy. I had rehearsal today too. I went without book!! I've memorized all my lines.

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