
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 16, 2010 Day Forty-Eight

5 x 5 for 5th Grade

5 Vocabulary

1. Assembly: A group of people coming together usually for a particular purpose

2. Conform: To comply with the usages of an established church

3. Tolerance: A person or government or king who is nice to any particular person or group even if they don't conform to their doctrine

4. Lutheran: Of or pertaining to Martin Luther and the doctrines he created for the protestant church

5. Sedition: An act particularly in speech and writing that causes a rebellion against an established government or church

5 Details/Facts

1. We're doing some of Plymouth on Wednesday, and most on Thursday.

2. The first man to go up in space was Yuri Gagarin, a Russian cosmonaut.

3. People who live in Sofia speak Belgarian.

4. The pilgrims left England because of religion.

5. Miley Cyrus gave up Hannah Montana 2 days ago.

5 Sentences

1. Every 3 months at Coffin School we would have an assembly.

2. The pilgrims, or Puritans, did not conform with the Church of England.

3. The Church of England was not tolerant to the puritans.

4. There is still a Lutheran religion today.

5. A sedition was sort of like a brochure that was one of the reasons the Church of England persecuted the pilgrims.

5 Questions & Answers

1. What is another example of a seditious act from American history? A: The Revolutionary War

2. How many new doctrines did Martin Luther propose for the Protestant church? A: 44

3. In the Church of England, who replaced the Pope as the most important person in the church? A: The King

4. What is the common name for the group of stars called The Plaides? A: The Seven Sisters

5. How would the first dog and monkey sent to space be like sending an astronaut to Mars on a one-way mission? A: They're sacrificing their selves


Current Events: Astronomy "Scientists Propose One Way Trip to Mars"—Read and illustrate article

Astronomy Review study—Review to be taken on Monday

Native American Picture Writing—4 picture sentences written by Sophie and used as props in play

Scrapbook Assembly—the last two pages!

Math Review—on Saturday Sophie spent time with Kevin reviewing her math worksheets in preparation for her Math Review (to be taken next week Monday)

Portfolio Presentation—begin work on writing and preparing script for Sophie's presentation of her Age of Discovery Scrapbook

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