
Monday, November 29, 2010

November 24th & 25th, 2010 Day Fifty-four and Fifty-Five

Pics and video to come.........
Day 54 was spent preparing and rehearsing and finalizing for the Portfolio Presentation and Play Performance. Sophie woke up early and went to skating, like she always does on Wednesdays. Then she and Emma, and Eloise and Lily, and Coach Linda went to LL Bean's for the holiday story hour. Sophie had a lot of fun being big sister for the little girls and showing them all around Bean's and looking at all the animals. Then we got packed and went to the farm.

We rehearsed the play twice, set and checked all the props, finalized the set (which looked great!), and practiced with the sound effects. We all worked hard and felt ready for the play the next morning. Sophie stayed at the farm with Gamma and Bill and helped get everything ready for Thanksgiving.

Day 55, which was Thanksgiving, we welcomed friends and family to the farm for a 10:00 performance of the play. We successfully presented Sophie's wonderful play, "The Voyage of 1586," which was written completely by Sophie for the purpose of demonstrating her knowledge of the Age of Discovery in a fun, informative, exciting play. And boy did she ever accomplish her goal! We're all so proud of her and we will be posting the video of her play soon.

After the play we gathered and viewed the video of Sophie's portfolio presentation of her Age of Discovery Scrapbook. She wrote and prepared her video and it too was successfully presented and received. We had the scrapbook, her play props, and some of the books we used set out on tables for guests to look through after the presentation. Emma and Andy spent a lot of time with Sophie looking through all her schoolwork and when Grandpa Mike and Grandma Linda arrived, we watched the presentation and the play again. Sophie was beaming proud and happy to share her accomplishments with some of the most important people in her life. And now we have the opportunity to share with all of you too.

Sophie and I do not "grade" homeschool. But I do assess. She has completed 55 days of homeschooling and her first major Core Unit: the Age of Discovery—Explorers, Navigation, & Astronomy. She passed all of her Reviews—Vocabulary 1 & 2, Explorers You Should Know, Astronomy, Math. She presented her Portfolio for the unit in a significant and public manner. She wrote and performed a play demonstrating her gained knowledge of the unit. As her teacher I am more than satisfied and impressed with her work and I am happy to report she is ready to move forward!

Enjoy the video and her presentation and pictures from the play. We will post the video of the play as soon as it's ready! Thanks for your support and for the reading the blog thus far.
Please feel free to make any comments or ask Sophie any questions you have.

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