
Friday, December 3, 2010

December 3, 2010 Day Sixty


Current Events: Read & draw cartoon

Crafts: Ornaments for gifts

Cooking: Cookies & Chemistry

Movie: "Miracle on 34th Street"

5 x 5 for 5th Grade

5 Vocabulary

1. Granulated: To form in granules and grains; granulated sugar is like very small crystals

2. Temperature: The measurement of how hot or cold something is in degrees

3. Yeast: any of several yeasts of the genus Saccharomyces,  used in brewing alcoholic beverages, as a leaven in baking breads, and in pharmacology as a source of vitamins and proteins. Compare bottom yeast, brewer's yeast, top yeast Used in making bread rise.

4. Resting (cooking or baking): In the chemical process you need to let meat or dough be or rest before starting another process

5. Refrigerated: To keep in refrigerator


5 Details/Facts

1. I learned how to make friendship bracelets yesterday Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

2. We will rehearse Miracle On 34th Street every single day of the week with costume next week.

3. Daniel D. Tompkins was John Quincy Adams vice president.

4. In England, on your bike means go real fast.

5. Supercalifragilisticexpealadotious is spelled like that.


5 Sentences

1. Granulated sugar is different than powdered sugar because it is in individual balls, granules or crystals.

2. When you are sick a thermometer checks your temperature to see if you are above average or below.

3. Yeast helps bread rise, if you let it rest for a while.

4. On Thanksgiving mom had to let the turkey rest before she could do the next step.

5. We refrigerated the dough for 2 hours yesterday all of the dough will make 252 cookies!


5 Questions

1. What kind of science is cooking and baking like and why? A: Chemistry, the reactions of what the ingredients taste like together

2. What is the most common usage of decimals in daily life? A: MONEY

3. What is one important thing to remember when working on finger weaving? A: To tighten the strings

4. What other movie did the actress who starred as Susan in Miracle on 34th Street go on to star in later and what was her name? A: "West Side Story" and Natalie Wood

5. What is one of the most important things to remember when baking and working with a recipe? A: Follow the STEPS!

5 Math

  1. A: 425. B: 4.25 C: 42.5 D: .425

What decimal places are each figure? Tens, Tenths, Ones, Hundreds, Hundreths

A: Hundreths

B: Ones

C: Tens

D: Tenths

2. ¾ is how much in %? A: 75% Which is how many cents? A: 75 c or 3 quarters

3. .25 + .25 = .50 How do you write that in %? A: 50%? And in a fraction? A: ½

4. 66 x 13 = 858

5. 5 x .5 = .25


Sophie's Blog: I watched the movie Miracle on 34th street today. The girl who played Susan was Natalie Wood. Most of the lines in the movie were the same as in our script. The guy who played Santa Claus was really good. I wanted to watch the movie because I need to know how Susan would act. I got my script back last rehearsal. I have to practice my lines a lot!!!!!!! On Monday we're going to run through with costume, I'm very excited!

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