
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 131 Geology

 March 7, 2012   Day 131

Writing: Telling Room Submission

LA book: 1 page

Math: 2 pages

Latin: Chapter 9 prepositions

Geology 6 x 6 using Earth’s Shifting Surface

6 Vocabulary

1. Infrared: A wave of energy that is emitted by heated objects

2. Richter Scale: A scale used measuring the intensity of an earthquake

3. Moment Magnitude Scale: Scale that measures earthquakes based on the size of area affected

4. Mercalli scale: scale for measuring earthquakes based on the effects felt by humans and their surroundings

5. Shield (as in rock): Area of ancient rock at the heart of a continent

6. Igneous rock: Rock that was once molten and has become solid again

6 Sentences

1. By detecting the infrared satellite, which is invisible to the human eye, we can locate undersea volcanoes.

2. There are different ways of recording the strength of earthquakes, a common tool, is a Richter scale which is based on the seismometer readings.

3. Scientists don’t use Richter Scales anymore because they don’t consider it to be very accurate, especially in really big earthquakes they prefer to use the Moment Magnitude Scale which measures the energy released by an earthquake and the size of the area affected by it.

4. The Mercalli Scale describes earthquakes according to their effects and damage.

5. The oldest shields of the continental crust are over 3 billion years old.

6. Rocks that form from cooling lava are igneous rock, it is the last form of the rock cycle and an igneous rock is what we know as a rock.

6 Facts & Details

1. An Infrared can indicate if magma is rising from an undersea volcano and give warning if an eruption is about to take place

2. In the deserts of northern Ethiopia, a new sea is forming

3. There is no water yet but the Arabian and African tectonic plates are slowly pulling apart

4. Millions of years from now, water will rush in to the gap

5. This is the same process that formed the Atlantic Ocean

6. Scientists have been able to study it in detail thanks to satellite observations, it is the biggest tear seen since satellite monitoring began

6 Questions

1. How do satellites and GPS help scientist learn about plate tectonics? A: Satellites can take pictures from a far distance of things that are on the other side of the world and bring them back to the scientists through computers, it can also see underground, GPS surveys the land based on the signals it received=s from the satellites in space.

2. What are the various speeds of the Earth’s plates? A: The northern end of the Mid-Atlantic ridge has the slowest moving plates moving less than 1 inch in a year, The East Pacific Rise, in the South Pacific zips along at a speedy 6 inches in one year

3. What is happening to the Earth’s crust in the desert of North Ethiopia? A: It is tearing, creating a new sea

4. Which of the three earthquake measuring tools—Richter, MMS, or Mercalli—do you like best? A: Mercalli; I think that the Mercalli scale is great because it doesn’t need to use other tools of instruments like the MMS or Richter. It is simply based on what people see and experience during an earthquake

5. Which 3 modern volcanic eruptions have affected people in your family? A: Mount Pinatubo, Mount St. Helens and Mount Waimaea

6. How did you do on the Quiz (page 44)? A:6 out of 7 questions right

Answer I got wrong: How many of the fastest living cities were built in earthquake zones

My answer: 15

Right Answer: 40

6 Points of Interest from Graphic Organizer book: Physical Weathering and Erosion—Compare and Contrast pg.12 and Concept Web

1. Water: In Chemical Weathering: combines with minerals to form new compounds, and creates acid that breaks down rock, In Physical weathering: Freezes

2. Air: in Chemical Weathering: Pollution in air can combine with rain to make acids that break down rock in Physical weathering: Wind rubs the particles it carries against rock wearing away the rock

3. Living things: Chemical Weathering: Gives out acids that break down rock Physical weathering: Plant roots crack rock, Animals dig through the ground and break apart rock

4. Water carries sediment downhill carving valleys between mountains and hills

5. Ice carries rocks and sediment downhill in large frozen masses called glaciers

6. Wind lifts smaller sediment particles and carries them to new places through deflation
6 Images

1 comment:

  1. In the Northeast part of the U.S. earthquakes are very rare and are low on the Richter Scale; some in Maine recently were at a 2.0 level. The most interesting quake event on New England was when the New Madrid quake hit near the Mississippi river; it is estimated that it was about and 8.0. It shook the ground all the way to the East coast and it caused the church bells in towers to swing enough to ring; but, there was not damage reported in New England.
