
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 142 Geology Final 6 x 6

March 26, 2012 Day 142
Math: 2 pages
LA Book: 1 page

Final Geology 6 x 6 using Graphic Organizer book


1. KWL chart: A graphic organizer that helps you find out what you already know, what you want to know and what you have learned. KWL stands for know, want, and learned

2. Sediment: Gravel, sand, silts, or mud carried by wind or water

3. Deposition (as in soil): The dropping of tiny bits of rock in a new place

4. Humus: Dark brown matter formed from the remains of dead plants and animals

5. Topsoil: A layer of soil at the surface of Earth that is important to plant growth

6. Bedrock: All solid rock underneath the soil, sometimes worms


1. What I learned from my KWL chart about erosion, is that when water pushes larger stones ad pebbles along the bottom of the stream they bump in to other rocks which make them smooth and round.

2. Ocean currents carry away sediments, over time waves can erode entire islands.

3. Once sediment has formed and moved, it settles and makes new land forms; this is an example of deposition.

4. Humus helps soil stick together and holds soil form rock particles that have been moved by erosion.

5. Most plants grow from the topsoil, however carrots any other vegetable that grow underground grow from the humus.

6. The bedrock is the bottom layer of soil; it is also the thickest and strongest layer of the soil.

Facts & Details

1. The percentage of the things that make up soil are 45 % minerals, 5% living things, 25% water, and 25% air

2. When wind blows fast enough, it can lift small bits of sediment such as dirt and sand into the air.

3. Wind cannot lift sediment that is covered by dirt and plants or made moist by water.

4. People have several ways of slowing and stopping erosion on hills, they can make the hill stronger by building walls or steel nets

5. The layers of soil of soil are called horizons

6. Graphic organizers are charts, graphs, and pictures that sort facts and ideas and make them clear


1. What do streams create over thousands of years of rock erosion? A: They create valleys

2. What is a delta? A: A pile of Earth and sand that collects at the mouth of a river

3. How is a sand dune formed? A: Wind blows sand onto a bush or rock starting a sand pile, Wind deposits more sand on the pile, as wind continues to deposit sand on the pile, the pile becomes a sand dune

4. Describe how soil is formed: Soil forms from weathered rocks that break up in to humus, sediment, and topsoil

5. What is the “parent rock”? A: Bedrock’s other name

6. What % of soil is living things? A: 5%


Rock Book *6 sentence summary paragraph
Every Needs A Rock by Byrd Baylor

1.       Everybody needs a rock, a friend, a beautiful treasure. This book gives you ten rules to find the perfect rock that fits your personality. One you have to go to a mountain that is covered with rocks, bend over and look at the rocks. You are not supposed to get a rock that is bigger than an apple or small enough so a mouse can eat it. You have to look for the perfect color rock the shape of the rock is up to you. Once you have found the perfect rock and followed all the rules and instructions, you have found your rock that will be your new best friend!
Link to Book


  1. Love the everybody needs a rock... and I learned a lot about soil, rock and water.
    great job Sophie.... as usual

  2. If we were ALL smooth stones, we would not change. it takes different size and shape stones in a stream to rub against each other, so they become smooth. Is that called
    Rock and Roll? Rock on! Bo
