
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 14, 2011 Day One-Hundred and Seventeen Review Day!


Sophie's Blog: So, this Saturday I had my live audition for Annie. I think I let ALL of you know but, I GOT IN! Here's the story (I am trying to do a dramatic blog but it might not work: I woke up on Saturday morning and went to skating. I got there and quickly got on the ice. Sadie and everyone was there, WISHING ME LUCK! I thought we were going to practice High Freestyle because I DON'T EVEN KNOW THAT NUMBER! But Erika was there and we practiced Avatar instead. Elaine got on the ice after we were done, I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! They were both motioning for me, MOM AND ELAINE. I got off the ice and quickly told Elaine what I was doing, she under stood. I got my jacket on and my skates off and HIT THE ROAD! We were at the audition sort of early. We went and stood in a line and as soon as we got there, the doors opened. I was not nervous and I had visualized what I was going to do. I got in and saw my friend from Miracle there, Erin Schott. I was so happy to see her. Santa's daughter, Emma was there as well. We met the choreographer and he taught us the dance and the song first. It was the end of," You're Never Fully dressed Without a Smile" from the play. (He put a little tap in, YAY) Then we performed that for Steve Peterson and, THE GOOD GIRLS GOT SENT BACK AT TWO! I WAS ONE OF THOSE GIRLS! J So when we got there, they had us sing individually. Each 46 girls that were left sang two songs individually. It was my turn, I sang tomorrow. I messed up on the lyrics but my singing was good. I thought I did horrible! But mom said that every girl that got picked was the ones who said, "I did horrible, I'm not going to get in". After everyone sang, Steve Peterson made more cuts. I was really nervous then! He cut 25 girls and called the rest of them in for readings, I WAS ONE OF THEM! So I read, Molly, Kate, and Tessie. He put me as Kate twice. He called the parents in, and basically told them that the remaining 11 GIRLS, WERE IN! There are two possible Annie's. I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M INJ


Sophie completed her Unit Reviews today and did an excellent job. Without notes or much assistance, she finished without anxiety and scored almost 100 percent on each Review, in the end answering two incorrectly but with limited guiding questions she corrected the mistakes and I think feels good about her Colonial America Unit. We will be hosting a very casual Open House this weekend to have her completed work and Portfolio available to family and friends. She will have her completed—and VERY cool—Colonial Letters Collage Book, her completed—and kinds creepy—Human Body, as well as her collection of Human Body poems and illustrations. She has her binder with her 5 Colonial Video Plans and collaborating Webquests ready for our Spring travel and video.

I have copied and pasted two of her Reviews—for those who have been following along with the 5 x 5s and blog posts, see how you do….

She also completed a "fill in the blanks" map of the Original 13 Colonies in order of establishment, which she did a great job on.

At the end is her "fun" but really effective 13 Colonies Mad Lib—copy, paste, and fill it out yourselves...

Review Colonial America: Timeline

Using the dates and events listed below, fill in the Timeline.

  1. Jamestown        6. Pequot War
  2. Plymouth        7. Salem Witch Trials
  3. Roanoke        8. Great Awakening
  4. First Thanksgiving    9. Courage of Sarah Noble
  5. King Phillip's War    10. French and Indian War


  1. 1707            6. 1675
  2. 1620            7. 1634
  3. 1607            8. 1730
  4. 1586            9. 1692
  5. 1621            10. 1754

Review: Colonial America Unit            March 14, 2011

Who am I?

  1. I am your ancestor and one of the original Pilgrims of the Plymouth Colony. Who am I? ___________________

    *Bonus: What was my job?

    *Bonus: What Longfellow poem references my romance with Pricilla Mullins?

2. I am the first Governor of the Plymouth Colony and wrote one of the only surviving accounts. Who am I? _____________________

3. I said the Plymouth Colony was like a "city upon a hill." Who am I? _______________

4. I was tried and banished from the Plymouth Colony for teaching other women about God and our religion. Who am I? ________________________

5. I am the first American woman poet. Who am I? __________________

6. I am the black woman slave who was accused and then confessed to witchcraft in Salem. Who am I? ______________

7. I was one of the first three accused of witchcraft in Salem and I proclaimed my good innocence even when they hung me on Gallows Hill. Who am I? ___________________

8. I wrote the preeminent book on human anatomy. Who am I? ___________________

9. I was a Quaker and a champion of democracy and started my own where other Friends could live and practice our religion. Who am I? _________________

10. I was an evangelical preacher and sermonized in revivals during the Great Awakening . Who am I? ____________________

11. I am a Wampanoag Indian who assisted the first Pilgrims after their long, hard winter. Who am I? __________________

12. I am the first baby born on the Mayflower and was given an appropriate name for my birthplace. Who am I? _________________________

13. I am the first English baby born in America from the Lost Colony of Roanoke. Who am I? __________________

14. We are a niece and aunt writing to each other from Plymouth to England and tell our stories of family, religion, health, and clothes. Who are we? _____________________________

15. I was expelled from the Plymouth Colony for my religious views and belief that the church and state should be separated. Who am I? _____________________ *bonus: What state did I found? ___________________

16. I am a Native American Wampanoag chief who disagreed with my father about the relations with the white English and started a fierce war. The English refer to me with a white man's kingly name. Who am I? ____________________

17. I am a Native American who history tells started the French and Indian War and I traveled with the man who would become the first American President. Who am I? _________________________ *bonus: What nickname did the English give him?

18. I was the Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts during the French and Indian War and a town in Maine close to Brunswick is named after me. Who am I? _________________

19. I am one of America's favorite frontiersman heroes of the French and Indian War. I personify "freedom" and "independence." Who am I? ___________________

20. I am the judge who later pardoned and apologized for all the accused and hung "witches" from the Salem Trials. Who am I? __________________

13 Colonies Mad Lib

5 nouns     5 Proper Names    --names of people    5 verbs        

5 adjectives    5 pronouns --he/she/it        5 adverbs

Key Words

~Trick for remembering colonies in order:

Very many nice men came running down North Street, not needing police guards.

  • Virginia
  • Massachusetts
  • New Hampshire
  • Maryland
  • Connecticut
  • Rhode Island
  • Delaware
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Pennsylvania
  • Georgia

Commerce                Colonial or Colony

Trade                    English

Apprentice                Plymouth

Puritan                    Epidemic

Church of England or Anglican         War

Quaker                    Captives

Great Awakening            "below the salt"

Salem Witch Trials            Idleness

Triangle Trade Route            Mercantilism

Export                    Religious Persecution

Slaves                    Freedom

Native Americans            Plantation

Very many ______________ ___________ came _____________ down __________ Street, not

     Adjective        Pronoun        Verb-ing     Noun

needing police _____________. That is how ____________ remember the _________ Colonies.

        Noun pl.         Pronoun             Number

They came here ____________ for ______________ land. England was __________ popular at the time,

        Verb-ing     Adjective                Adverb        

but all the _____________ you could imagine went wrong. ______________ was the worst __________

     Nouns pl.                     Proper Noun         Noun

in control England had yet. So the first "Pilgrims" came over to Plymouth to ____________ a colony,


Including _______________ and ________________ came ________________ over as well. Some of

    Proper Noun        Proper Noun            Verb-ing

These Pilgrims were Puritan or ______________, while the other belonged to the Church of _________.

                Adjective                         Noun/Place

Then more English, including _______________ and _________________ came over to form more

                Proper Noun        Proper Noun

colonies. They were making plantations and ___________ to other ______________ colonies. Native

                        Verb-ing        adjective

Americans got mad and they started ____________ and declaring _______. They held some of the

                    Verb-ing         Noun

colonists captive. King Phillip was an Indian leader for a big Indian war in the __________ colonies.


________ was not English though. Then epidemics came over the Indians. It was really ___________.

Pronoun                                        Adjective


The colonists lived ______________ lives though. The children, however, were "below the _________"

         Adjective                                  Noun

that meant they were not as ____________ as their______________ . It also meant that if they were

             Adjective         Noun

idle, they would be put __________ to the _____________. Then when they were above the ________.

            Verb         Noun                        Noun

They would go off and be apprentices, such as for trade and _________. They would ____________ and

                                Noun            Verb

Export, working with the Triangle Trade Route, ______________ slaves and ____________ were sent

                        Verb-ing            Noun

from __________ to ___________ to _____________. This was a _____________ part of mercantilism.

    Noun        Noun        Noun            Adjective

Back in the ___________ Colonies, ______________, a Quaker, was working for separation of ________

     Number            Proper Noun                        Noun

and ___________. Religious persecution was a _____________ bad part of history as well. The Salem

    Noun                    Adjective         

__________ Trials proved that. The _____________ came along and realized that we needed freedom,

Noun                    Proper Noun

that's all.

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