
Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 50--Bowdoin College Museum of Art visit

7 x7 Seven Subjects & 7 things I learned    November 16, 2012      Day  50

1.       Math

 We worked on a Math & Literature problem today using the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. The lesson involved measuring, gestimating, averaging, and calculating proportions. Sophie did an excellent job and we had  a lot of fun solving the problem together! Sophie re-wrote the story of Jack and Beanstalk in her Writing section using the calculations she worked out.

2. Science

a. Cells obtain energy from lights or nutrients.

b. Cells behave by communicating through chemical or electrical signals.

c. The nucleus is the cells control center; it is a part of organization.

d. Cells grow just before they reproduce.

e. Plant cells are able to use sunlight as a direct source of energy.

f. Cells regulate automatically and make sure they’re not absorbing toxins.

g. Living things develop over time and follow a life cycle.

3. History

a. In 1562, England becomes its slave trade thanks to the terrible Tudor superior sailors. They but people in Africa and sell them to South America.

b. 1619, the first slaves arrive in America and the West Indies from Africa. Sugar is popular and a huge number of slaves are sent to America to grow sugar cane

c. 1756-63 The Seven year’s war against France and Spain. The Brits win and become the main rulers of India’s incredible riches through the “East India Trading Company.”

d. 1770 Captain Cook comes across Australia. A whacking great chunk of land to add to the empire. Loads of empty space to dump convicts! Shame the Brits taught them to play cricket.

e. 1780 Freed slave Olaudah Equiano publishes his life story. This helps the growing “Abolitionist” struggle in Britain and the US to banish all slavery.

f. 1795 the Brits take over the Cape colony in South Africa from the Dutch-known as Boers, which is a bit of a boering name!

g. 1839 The first Opium War- the Brits fight for the right to sell opium to the Chinese. Opium is making Brit drug dealers very rich…. And the Chinese very dead!


4. Language

a. I learned today that Roman numeral L means fifty

b. Fifty in Latin is quinquagnita.

c. XXX in Roman numerals is thirty, thirty in Latin is triginta.

d. V is 5 in Roman numerals, five in Latin is quinque.

e. Roman numeral XVIII is eighteen, eighteen in Latin is octodecemduovaginti

f. I is one in roman numerals, unus in one in Latin.

g. XX is twenty, Vaginti in twenty.

5. Reading

a. I learned that “The house was a cloud of secrets” is a metaphor.

b. I learned that “My heart would flutter like a bird” is a simile

c. I learned that “She baked cookies that were snowdrifts of powdered sugar” is a metaphor

d. I learned that “My birthday was a ship sailing closer and closer to the shore” is a metaphor

e. I learned that “She made a cake that looked like a big pink drum.” Is a simile

f. I learned that a simile is used to try to describe an object or even an idea why a metaphor is a subject by asserting that is the same as an unrelated object.

g. I learned that to transform a metaphor into a simile you just have to add like (pretty much.)
6. Writing

Sophie and the Beanstalk (and the piece of toast)

Sophie Calderwood, who is 54 inches tall and 14 inches wide, went to the market to sell a cow. One merchant in the market place offered to buy Sophie’s cow for three magical beans. Sophie was so excited about the magic beans that she sold the cow to the merchant and went home to show her mother. Her mother was very upset with her and she threw the beans out the window into the garden.
The next day Sophie woke up to find a giant magic beanstalk outside her window, and of course she wanted to climb it. When she got up into the magical kingdom I, the giant, caught her. I implied that I eat three fried kids on my toast for breakfast every day. But of course Sophie knew that since she was 54 inches tall and 14 inches wide that she would fit perfectly on a 54: 54 piece of toast. So she said, “I wonder if I could fit on a piece of toast as big as that. I said “I think you may.” So I who am 640 inches tall which is about 54 ft. (an average adults height times 10) got the 54: 54 piece of toast.
Sophie knew that an average piece of toast in her world was 5: 5 so everything was approximately 10 times larger in the giant’s world. So she laid on the piece of toast and said “You know what we do in my world, we crack eggs on our toast before we fry them, and you should give it a try.” So of course I did. I went all the way to the refrigerator to get an egg and Sophie showed me how to crack it correctly on one of the three kids lying down. Then I went back into the kitchen to grab another egg and again Sophie showed me how to crack it just right. And then while Sophie was lying back down on the toast I was too anxious and tired to go back into the kitchen so I cracked the nearest egg to me before I realized it was my special golden goose egg, Sophie had planned it all along and she took off with the golden goose that came out of the egg and ran down the beanstalk.
 I wanted my golden goose back however, I was too tired to run after her and so I never bothered her again and she never bothered me. But I had heard a story that when she got home that night she was very interested in proportions and so she was doing her homework and accidently drank a magic potion to make her smaller, she was about the size of a mouse and she wondered if she could fit on a regular piece of toast now since she was 10 times smaller than her normal height. She was right she laid on a normal 5: 5 piece of toast and fit perfectly since her height was 5.4 inches : 1.4 inches.

7. Art

a. My favorite exhibit in the Bowdoin museum o Art today was art told through the alphabet.

b. There were a lot of romanticism and impressionism paintings

c. I like the lithograph and printing pictures in the museum, they were pretty cool

d. I learned about museum curators and what they do for the museum. The curator and this museum showed the different styles of art through the alphabet.

e. I liked Andrew Wyeth’s “Night time Hauling” picture.

f. There was an exhibit full of Japanese art about the supernatural; I thought that it was kind of creepy.

g. There was one exhibit with a bunch of portraits of the same guy. His name was F. Harold day that had his portrait done by different photographers, it was pretty neat.

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