
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Final Project: "Can you Find...Industrial Revolution"

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Here's the project in text with images Sophie created:

Can you find? This book teaches you all about the Industrial Revolution! On each page read the story and then find the objects you learn about in the fun puzzle of pictures. For those of you wondering, the Industrial Revolution is a time period in the world were many inventions and factories were built all at once. This is how we got many modern inventions today like the telephone, the car, and schools!

Can you find...Transportation
Have you ever ridden in a car? Have you ever been on a plane? How about a Train? All of these things were made during the Industrial Revolution. Transportation was a big invention of this time. People who had to ride in carriages pulled by horses didn’t have to any more. You could now get your mail much faster, because you could put it on a train or boat. Steamboats carried people across the ocean much faster than sailing ships. But they looked much different back then, then they do now. Overtime the inventions evolved to become safer and easier to use but we owe all of our modern transportation to the Industrial Revolution.

Can you find...Communication
Have you got a telephone at your house? Have you ever sent an email? Communication was a very big invention made during the Industrial Revolution. It started with Samuel Morse and the invention of the telegraph. The telegraph was a way to send emails using dots and dashes, a series of long and short beats for every number. This brought Alexander Graham Bell to make a better version of this and when he was working on it, he apparently spilled something on his clothes and called for his assistant in the other room through the machine and he could hear him! Did you know that there are telegraph wires under the ocean that lets America send a telegraph to Europe?

Can you find...Health & Education
Have you ever gone to the doctor? I bet you go to school? Believe it or not these are the result of new Idea and improvements made during the Industrial Revolution too! The Industrial Revolution is funny because one invention triggers another and then that one triggers another. So when Doctor Edward Jenner decided to invent the Smallpox vaccination (which is a shot that prevents you from getting sick) that triggered another Doctor to find cures for other viruses. The establishment of one room school houses were put together during this era too. In 1852 a law was passed that said all children between the ages of 8 and 14 had to attend the public school. If it wasn’t for this law and later laws you might not be able to go to school!

Can you find...Human Rights
Have you ever worked? Back when the cotton mills were running you would probably have to. Child labor in textile mills was really important to factory owners because they would do a lot of work and get paid very little money. But child labor laws are why you do not work today. The workers in the mill were mostly young women. This was a big change because women could now leave the farm and live in the city and they had money to spend on clothes and food. This helped create the middle class.  Young women would shared a room with almost 5 other woman and they would have to sleep in a tiny little bed together every night. A newsletter article was created where women wrote articles. This was the first time this could happen, it started by women speaking up for themselves and it started the suffrage movement which was when all of the women stood up and wanted to be treated equal by being allowed to vote. Unions and protection of workers rights were created during the Industrial revolution in order to convince factory owners to give them better pay, shorter hours and safe work place.

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