
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Days 88 & 89

7 x7 Seven Subjects & 7 things I learned Days 88 & 89   Jan. 30 & 31, 2013

1.       Math


2. Science

a. In Science today, I learned about bow Newton re-created the telescope.

b. After Isaac Newton discovered the spectrum of white light using his prism he attacked the problem of “chromatic aberration.”

c. Galileo applied the concept of refraction in his telescopes by using one lens to capture light from a distant object and another to refract it into an eyepiece.

d. Newton attacked the obstacle of chromatic aberration by completely redesigning the telescope. He used a tiny concave mirror to capture light and reflect it into a second mirror which reflected into the eyepiece.

e. Newton circumvented the problem of chromatic aberration by making the telescope smaller.

f. When Newton showed his telescope to the royal Society of England, they invited him to be a part of the society.

g. Then Newton wrote an article about his telescope and the Royal society posted it in the Philosophical Transactions.

3. History

a. I learned about some of the things that American “soldiers” did behind the front lines. Many men and woman slipped deep behind enemy lines to serve as spies.

b. Others worked in government offices and secret laboratories, racing against time to break Axis message codes in order to monitor military messages and troop movements.

c. Scientists, too, made huge contributions, using their skills to develop and refine new technologies such as radar and sonar. Some scientists even figured out how to contain and unleash the fury of atomic energy in the building of atomic bombs.

d. Engineers invented new weapons that helped the allies to gain a footing on enemy territory, including amphibious trucks that operated as well in water as they did on land.

e. Radar: A system for locating an object with radio signals. Sonar: A device that detects the presence and location of an object under water, like a submarine, using sonic and ultrasonic waves that reflect off the object.  Atomic Energy: Energy released by changes in the nucleus of an atom Atomic bomb: A bomb with explosive power from the release of atomic energy. Amphibious: belonging or working on both land and water. Casualties: People killed wounded, captured, or MIA in a war.

f. I learned that the biggest and fiercest battle of the war was the 6 month battle of Stalingrad fought in Russia. Hitler was determined to win this battle but Germany actually got defeated and it was a big turning point in the war.

g. I learned that the United States lost 400,000 service-men and 6,000 civilians. Great Britain had almost 500,000 dead, Germany, nearly 8 million people died, In Poland, 6 million people died, China lost more than 17 million, and Soviet Union, topping them all, had 28 million people dead. World Wide, nearly 60 million people died….


4. Language

a. I learned that you can use the Spanish verb “estar” to say where something is.

b. I practiced conjugating the verb estar twice again today.

c. Prepositions are words that describe where things are. Some Spanish prepositions are: Sobre which means on and Debajo de which means under.

d. A lot of prepositions are followed by “de” When de is followed by a masculine noun it changes to del. Al lado del sofa.

e. I learned that gato means cat and perro means dog in Spanish. I also learned to say things like, Donde esta el gato? No esta en la cocina. Where is the cat? It’s not in the kitchen.

f. I learned some Spanish words for furniture like, tele which means television and mesa which means table, and sillon which means armchair and more!

g. Other words are entre, which means between, cerca de, near to, enfrente de, opposite, and lejos de, far from.

5. Reading

a. I read an article about Rosie O’Neal Greenhow a Confederate spy who got captured in Washington during the Civil War.

b. I read this article and then I had to figure out the Authors purpose.

c. Sometimes an author will appear to write about a factual article, but the work either does not present all viewpoints or it uses words and phrases to bias the reader. I found four adjective or phrases that the Author uses in Golden Words, the article about Rosie Greenhow, to influence the reader’s opinion: Devious, treacherous, used her charm, and exiled.

d. In Golden Words the author says that Rosie’s old nickname was “Wild Rosie”. The author didn’t have to include this detail. Why do you think he/she did? To imply that Rosie was a risk taker, crazy, and devious, as the author describes later on.

e. Why do you think that the author chose to add the detail that it was the weight of Greenhow’s payment in gold that contributed to her death? To say that her death was a punishment for her greed and political views.

f. How does your impression of Greenhow’s imprisonment change from the beginning to the end of the article? Well, at first I felt bad for her because she was imprisoned but then I realized it was for a god reason so I thought it was a reasonable punishment.

g. In your own opinion, does the author want you to admire Greenhow for her courage, or to feel that Greenhow’s defiance led to her own death? Well since the author uses phrases like, “Killed by the weight of her own words” I think that she wants us to see that her defiance led her to her death.

6. Writing

a. I read a passage from “Song of the trees” by Mildred D. Taylor: What information did you get about the setting from this passage? That there is corn, and cotton so it should be somewhere in the country. It is dark and kind of foggy. It’s in Mississippi

b. Write some of the sensory details Taylor used in the passage: draped in a cloak of gray, sun chased the night away, wrapped in jackets of emerald and gold. Holding the night, voices whispered a song of morning greeting.

c. What mood or feeling, do you feel the details convey? Quietness, emptiness, loneliness, darkness.

d. Writers use details in their settings that match the mood of what is happening in the story: First think about details that a writer might include in a story that was humorous or light-hearted. What might the weather be like? The sun was running, hopelessly from the clouds chasing it. Then, the clouds ran away from the big blue patch of sky growing larger and larger and making the clouds disappear into a perfect day.

e. What time of day might it be? The sun was to the right of the sky so it was probably around 3:00, then I looked at my watch to see if my estimate was correct, 2:58…Oh I love to be right!

f. Now, write some sensory details that might include a scary part or a part where something bad is going to happen to a character. What might the weather be like: In my mind, the trees were closing in creating a dark tunnel around me, and the sky was a dark red like the color of blood…however, this was not the real weather. But knowing that my blood might be part of my sky in a couple of minutes, it seemed so.

g. What time of day might it be? It was night, I knew this for sure because I was tired, but I also knew that I couldn’t rest now, the “thing” was coming, and it was coming soon.

7. Voice

a. In Voice this week I sang “Castle on a cloud” and worked a little bit on sight singing.

b. I also practiced the new warm-up, EeAaAhahOhohoo.

c. We looked for a contrasting song in Stephanie’s books for my audition in March.

d. I practiced singing “I dreamed a dream” to work on switching from my head voice to my chest voice and from going from high notes to low notes.

e. We practiced singing my warm-ups using vibrato.

f. I practiced acting “Castle on a Cloud” which is what I need to do for my audition.

g. I learned a technique to scratch my nose to change into my head voice, apparently, it actually worked!

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