
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 4 & 5th, 2011 Day Seventy-Five & Seventy-Six

Sophie's blog: Hello folks it's me Sophie, writing a 20 sentence blog (again!) But this time about my creative writing and art project with Bo and Gama. Since I am Studying Colonial America as my second unit, I will be writing letters as if I was a little girl living in the 17th century. Her name will be "Sarah Alden" because I am related to John Alden who came over in the mayflower in 1620, on Dad's side. She will be writing 10 letters to her aunt Mary back in England. She will be telling her about health, sickness and medication as a topic and Clothing as another and 8 more topics. Aunt Mary will be writing a response letter back to Sarah in Plymouth. As my art project with Gama I will make a book with the finished letters in it, all 20. I will collage each page with Gama. P.S ( I will do the letters with Bo.) Well yeah that's my plan. I think it's been 20 sentences now so, BYE!!!! LOVE –Sophie! J


Music with Kat—working really hard preparing "It's a Hard Knock Life" and "Maybe" for her upcoming Annie audition.

Planning session for the unit with Gamma and Bo—see Sophie's blog above

Math Workbook—I page in Guinness book and two in the Sylvan on Tuesday

1 page Guinness and 1 Sylvan Wednesday

Current Events:

Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt

  1. I am in the fresh veggies and I am spicy and come in many colors. You need 1 red one.


  2. I am also in the fresh food section and I will remind you of summer and the sun. Find what looks good and what's a good deal.



  3. You'll find me near where you get the free cookies—I am fresh and taste good toasted.


  4. I will be in the chest freezer near the ice around the corner from the cookies and I come with tails or without. We want without and 48 count.



  5. I will be near the hot dogs (we need these too!) across from the chest freezer and I am a spicy sausage that comes in the healthier turkey version, which is what we want.


  6. You need a couple of things in the bakery aisle: 2 boxes of a yellow vegetable muffin, a bag of sweet granulated stuff, and a large bottle of oil needed for baking and cooking.

    Corn Muffins, Sugar, Vegetables


  7. Next is one of Lily's favorite foods—we need at least 6 cans of variety to easily heat and serve for lunches.

    Chicken Noodle Soup

  8. Find me in boxes and jars—we go together and is one of Mom's favorite foods but not Sophie's. We need 1 jar—look for the best deal—and 3 boxes—what looks good?



  9. We don't need this yummy lunch or dinner for our Hard Knock Life—we like it with hot dogs and sometimes tuna.

    Annie's Macaroni and Cheese

  10. We need two other canned foods—one is red and comes in diced or whole or stewed and Mom uses it in a lot of different recipes. The other can makes you fart.

    Beans and canned tomatoes


  11. I am in my own meat section past the chicken and I am good for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. We need two good, thick slices.


  12. Now onto the dairy section! We want 12 containers of this yummy snack in different flavors!



  13. In the freezer section across from where you found # 12 get two boxes of another of Lily's favorite snacks.


  14. We need a low-fat container of this white topping that Sophie likes to order with Mexican food.

    Sour Cream


  15. We need yellow and white, shredded and sticks or this snack and topping.


  16. We need this for baking and for our toast. Mom likes Katies with salt.



  17. Next lets choose 8 bags of this frozen, steamable version of what we can find fresh in our garden in the summer!


  18. Next go find at least 12 rolls of what we use everyday in 3 rooms of our house. What is the cheapest?

    Toilet paper


  19. Mom needs to help you with this one—we need it for our trash. And we need these to wash the dishes and the counters—they come from the sea.

    Trash bags and Spponges

  20. Two more things and we're done! Find two different drinks that Mom and Dad have every day—one is hot and we drink it every morning and one is cold and fizzy and we drink it at night. The flavors are: Hazlenut and Lime and Cranberry.

Coffee and Seltzer

Silent Reading—or rather, reading aloud with Bo The Phantom Tollbooth, chapters 7 & 8

1 comment:

  1. Soph - my mother's family are Fullers, who also came over on the Mayflower. So we have a long history together! xoxo
