
Friday, February 4, 2011

February 1 & 2, 2011 Days Ninety-One & Ninety-Two

Music: Annie! Singing & choreography
Silent reading: The Phantom Tollbooth, finished! Summary: Chapter 18 "Castle in the Air" After consulting another demon, Milo and his friends moved on through the Mountains of Ignorance in search of the Castle in the Air. Moving on just to find another demon waiting at the entrance, which they didn't know was the entrance. This demon was the Census Taker and he took all kinds of information about the demons they have faced already and they all came forward to try to eat them! The Census Taker asked them for their names and other personal information and Milo and his friends answerd correctly. When they finished their last question, the Census Taker asked, "Destination?" and they answered "The Castle in the Air." Then suddenly Milo noticed a circus and decided he'd much rather go there. Tok smelled something he couldn't resist and the Humbug was too scared and just want to stay with his friends and the demons were getting closer. Then the circus disappeared and Tok couldn't smell anything. The demons were getting closer, they were almost at their feet. They noticed a staircase in the air and climbed it. The demons wouldn't dare to follow them! In the Castle in the Air, they finally found Rhyme and Reason, the two beautiful princesses that had been banished from the world. The castle was beautiful but it was really just a dungeon and only looked beautiful to Milo. The princesses jumped on Tok's back, Milo grabbed his tail, and the Humbug held onto his ankles and they jumped but the demons were waiting for them. They didn't know what to do."
Chapter 19 "The Return of Rhyme and Reason" Everyone that Milo had met through his journey in the land of the Tollbooth was there prepared to fight against the demons in the Mountains of Ignorance. What good friends! The King of Oz and the Mathamagician arrived together prepared to fight, even though they were enemies! Everyone fought against the demons and won! The Dukes of Definition read a Proclamation that stated that this day, the return of Rhyme and Reason would be a holiday in the Land of the Tollbooth, and would be called "Milo Day"! But Milo declared he had to say goodbye to all his friends. It was so sad saying goodbye to Rhyme and Reason, who he had just met, but they had been so kind to him. Chrono, Candy, and everyone else but especially Tok and the Humbug. He promised to come back again. Milo jumped in his car and drove away.
Chapter 20 "Goodbye and Hello" In the regular world, Milo had only been gone for an hour. It was 6:00 he went to bed with the Tollbooth still there. The next morning he went to school, telling everyone about his journeys. He got home and wanted to go back to the Tollbooth, where he had a better life and could be with his friends. But he discovered the Tollbooth was missing and in its place was a letter explaining that other boys and girls needed to use the Tollbooth too. Milo knew that he didn't have to be bored again because he could remember the lessons and stories and adventure from the Tollbooth for the rest of his life. The End.
Colonial letters: Key Words & 2 letters Topic: School & Church
February 2, 2011
Letter 1: Topic: School & Church
Dear Aunt Sarah,
I would like to start with answering the questions you have asked me. I think the baby should be named Rachel as you have thought a beautiful name yes, and a boy Timothy to remind us of him. But if you like Daniel it is perfectly fine with me, I do to. I have a really good friend here two actually. Samantha Browne, Lillian Standish and Patience Rogers who I think has a silly name. Patience also says she is righteous and I am not because I am not Puritan. About eighty four settlers are a part of our colony now. I like it here in the New World and the only reason that I would wish to go back to England is to see you and Edward and sometime soon the baby. The governor here is William Bradford. He is doing a fine job as governor and employed father as a cooper.
Mother is teaching me more school and we hope Edward will go off to the closest Academie soon. I have started my second sampler and it is more complicated than the one before. I am putting figures and letters on the sampler. I am very well literated Mother says. I have just finished reading my Catechism and I have learned a lot. Mother has said that I will be learning about the receipt book next. Father and Mother were talking about sending Myles to Dartmouth. Dartmouth is a new university that has a work study program where Myles can go work for the university and get to be a student in return. Oh yes we have eight kids in our family now.
The Puritan church here is nice. We have to go the first day of the week for the Sabbath Service. We sit two pews before the back and one pew behind the Deacons, because we are Anglican. Our family does not sit together Father sits with the other men in the colony, and Mother sits with us. Mother brings foot warmers to Church because it is cold, not like the Church of England. Samantha and I sometimes go outside and practice using the psalm. I love the songs and hymns in it.
I thank you for responding to my letters, I am still at health I thank God. I am glad to know you are. If I may ask you to send me some patterns from England to make a dress that would be wonderful, any kind will do. Your niece Ruth Alden
Triangle Trade Map: using webquest, draw, color & label map illustrating the triangle Trade Routes of the 17th & 18th century

Math workbooks: Guinness pages & Sylvan 1 page each
Gray's Anatomy: 2 pages--arteries
Web Quest: Indian Wars & captivity
Indian Wars & Captivity Webquest
    1. What is the date of the Jamestown Indian Massacre? A: Friday March 22, 1622
    2. How many English settlers were killed by the Powhatan Confederacy? A: As many as the Native Americans could kill instantly
    3. What is the name of the chief who led the raid against the colony? A: Chief Opechancanough
    4. Enlarge the graphic on the right and copy & paste here:

  1. A. Skip Intro
    B. Follow link to Wereomcomoco
    C: Follow the link for Indian Interactions with Settlers and then hit tab for "Indian Conflict" and watch video, then answer questions
    1. What was the purpose of the raids of Native Americans at Jamestown? A: Replacing the Indians that have been killed by the English with the English
    2. What did Native Americans do to the men they captured? A: Tortured them to death
    3. What did they do with the women and children? A: adopted them
    4. What was the English or European way of making war? What did they do to Indian villages? A: they killed everyone, massacred them
  2. A. Watch video
    B. Who was Powatan's daughter? A: Pochohantas
    C. Who did she marry? A: John Rolfe
  3. A. What are the two names this conflict between the Native Americans and the English colonists? A: King Phillips War and Metacoms War
    B. Where was the war fought? A: Casco Bay
    C. When was the treaty that ended the war signed and where? A: April 12, 1678 and in Casco Bay
    D. List the percentages of Native Americans and English colonists who were killed in the war. A: 1.5% colonists 155 Native Americans
    1. What happened to "King Philip's" brother? A: Wamsutta
    2. Who was Josiah Winslow and why is he important to King Philips War? A: The son of Edward Winslow Mayflower passenger, Josiah was the one who decided not to treat the Native Americans as fairly as his father
    3. Where and when did the war start? A: Plymouth Colony 1675
    4. What happened to King Phillip? A: he was killed by another Indian
    5. Start a new search for an image of King Phillip and Save As, Copy, and Paste here:

    1. Who was Mary Rowlandson? A: A white woman who got captured during King Phillips war
    2. How long was her captivity? A: eleven weeks
    3. What did she do after she was ransomed/rescued? A: She wrote a book about her experiences
    4. Enlarge, Copy & Paste the image of Mary Rowlandson here:
    1. Write a good 5 sentence summary paragraph of the video you watched: Mary Draper Ingles was a woman who was held by Indians for captivity. They led her down a river for 800 miles and escaped and followed the river home. She struggled 800 miles back to her colony. Her husband was fighting in the war and did not know she was took captive by the Native Americans but she made it back when he came home from the war.
  4. Follow this link:
    1. What did you learn? A: The triangle trade was before the Pequot war. Both Connecticut and Massachusetts were involved in the Pequot Rebellion which happened because the Native Americans were getting tired of getting forced to move out of their land. They believed they owned the land that the English, Dutch and French took from them.

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