
Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7, 2011 Day Ninety-Five

5 x 5 for 5th Grade

5 Vocabulary

1. Abduction: The act of taking someone away by force or cunning; kidnapping

2. Captivity: The state or period of being held imprisoned, enslaved, or confined

3. Trachea: Below the Thyroid Cartilage is the Trachea also called the windpipe, the trachea allows air to travel in and out of your lungs

4. Brain: A vital organ that your skull protects allowing you to see, feel, hear, smell, and taste things through nerves

5. Central Nervous System: The brain and spinal cord together are called the Central Nervous system

5 Sentences

1. During King Phillips war there were a lot of women and children getting abducted by Native Americans.

2. A lot of English men were held in captivity by the Native Americans.

3. The trachea is called the windpipe because it carries the wind from the lungs and to the lungs.

4. The nerves that bring messages from the brain to your organs are called motor nerves.

5. The nerves traveling back up to your brain go through your spinal cord this system of teamwork through the spine and the brain is called the Central Nervous system.

5 Facts & Details

1. The most baseballs held in one baseball glove is 22 baseballs!

2. The largest in the world is 12 feet in diameter!

3. A guy from Ireland lifted a 51,324 pound barbell 1,058 times in one hour!!

4. Girls from England vaulted 6,250 times in 1 hour!

5. The Girls also vaulted through rings of fire performing for 10,000 people, these girls must not have stage fright!

5 Questions

1. How many Mayflower families are known to have left descendants? A: Twenty six families

2. How many U.S. Presidents have been Mayflower descendants? A: Eight, including John Alden who's descendant is John Adams

3. How many living descendants may there be of the 26 Mayflower Pilgrim families? A: there have been estimated to be 35 million descendants of Mayflower passengers

4. Which of these families may have the most and the fewest descendants? A: Brewster, Howland, Alden and Bradford

5. Which paintings of the Mayflower Pilgrims may have gained the greatest recognition? A: "The Embarkation of the Pilgrims", "Pilgrims going to Church", "The First Thanksgiving", and "The landing of the Pilgrims"

*Bonus* Search, Find, Copy & Paste each of the 4 paintings here.*

5 Math from Fraction Stories Page, 33 Subtracting a mixed number from a whole number

1. What is the sum of Tex and Woovis's hat sizes? A: 20 1-2

2. How much large is Tex's hat size than Woovis's hat size? A: 6 3-4

3. How much less than 30 inches is the sum of Tex's and Woovis's hat sizes? A: 9 1-2

5. Describe "One way to do it" in the "Go back" method for solving fraction problems subtracting a mixed number from a whole number. A: Subtract the improper fractions and whole numbers separately

4. Could Tex and Woovis be the rustlers? Why or Why not? A: They're hat sum did not equal up to 30


Colonial Letters: Topic: Food

Colonial Letter Topic: Food & Customs Letter 1

Dear Aunt Sarah,

Again I would like to start with answering your questions. Yes I have been learning about the Gospel especially the songs on the day of the Sabbath we sang the songs lined out. Well the names of the children are, Myles, Edward, Mary, Elizabeth, Anna, Jacob, Katherine, and me of course. Mother is pregnant with another baby hoping to name it Samuel or Amy. Thank you for naming the baby after me. I told Myles to tell everyone a dinner tonight. For Dinner we had, Corn, bean, a biscuit, Hasty Pudding and Nocake. Nocake is made with Indian mortar which makes cornmeal.

Meals here are not like meals in England. We have to eat with treen. And mother gets flip only on Friday, Fish day. We also have to stand below the salt and mother and father stand above the salt. We have the Iron lug pole over our fire to hang the kettle. Mother has taught me to cook and we have to cook on the hearth, everything we cook we do on the Hearth. We get our cooking supplies from the kitchen garden and we only get Apples and peaches once a month. When we have game we go down to the smokehouse. We have to roast the game from the smoke house on the spit. We have a cone of sugar, so we use a knife to scrape it off. It is hard cooking in Colonial America.

I would much rather learn to cook in England, I bet it's easier. The most pleasant meal that we made was Johnny cake. It is made with corn flour and bread cooked hard. Myles taught me and Katherine who is my age now how to get Maple Sugar from the trees. Myles also taught me and Katherine to carve pumpkins.

I hope you get better Aunt Sarah, Can you tell me how it was when you learned to cook in England. Thank you for sending me the fabric for the dress.

Your niece, Ruth Alden

Colonial Letter Topic: Food & Customs Letter 2

Dear Aunt Sarah,

I think you will be sad to know that when Samuel Alden came into the world God had to say goodbye to another person as he said hello to Samuel. That person was Percilla Alden, my mother. Father said he will remarry another person as soon as possible but I do not want that to happen. Father said your father remarried another women so I am writing to you because I know you know what is like. Father said Mother's body could not deal with another baby, so that's why she is away. I know that she is watching our family and Satan will not get us now because she is watching us.

I hope that anything that I cooked sent mother away. Father said that my Hasty pudding that I made last week could have been better, but I didn't know it was that bad. New settlers here say that what happened to mother was not that bad compared to the famine happening in England but I am still sad.

We have an indentured Servant in the house, her name is Rebecca Logan. I think she is nice even thought that she is a servant. She sleeps in the room with Katherine, Anna, Mary, Elizabeth, and Samuel. Of all the young woman in our colony, I think Father should marry Karen Carter or Hope Hopkins, both Anglican.

I hope you understand what our family is going through. Are you in the Quebec colony yet? If you are can you bring our family some furs? Thank you

  • Ruth Alden

Vocabulary Review #1 Sophie got a 100%! How well can you do?

Vocabulary Review Unit 2: Colonial America, # 1

  1. You are studying your ________________ when we're learning about John Alden and the Plymouth Colony.
  2. A __________________ refers to a region of land that is claimed, populated, and settled in a distant continent (usually) on behalf of another or "mother" country.
  3. The _______________ is the word for your "skull" that protects your brain.
  4. The King appoints a __________________, who is the person responsible for governing the King's lands and colonies. Today people elect them.
  5. Before important national events, people say the Pledge of _______________ because we're promising to be loyal and faithful to our _________________.
  6. The mandible bone is also called the ________________.
  7. This muscle is the largest and strongest and allows you to chew: ________________.
  8. Many Native Americans and other people die in epidemics of this terrible virus called ______________ or sometimes called the flu.
  9. The small but powerful "A" word is the formal decision or law prescribed by a King or government. It is an ______.
  10. Girls in Colonial times would never be __________ when heating ____________ to make candles. If they were ___________, they would get burned.
  11. This is the dome-shaped cavity of your mouth and there is a hard and soft one: ___________.
  12. People sit in the church __________ based on their ______________ or position in the Class Triangle.
  13. An ___________is an important person in the congregation. Now it is a word for old people.
  14. These ring-shaped bones make up your spine: ____________. How many are there? _______
  15. You become someone's servant for about seven years when you sign an _____________, or contract.
  16. Mercantilism is an economic theory that the power of a country is directly related to the power of the country's _________________.
  17. This "pulley" allows your eye to move diagonally: ______________.
  18. These supply blood throughout your body: _____________.
  19. You are _______________ if you believe you are right in all your beliefs, especially when you are religious.
  20. The ___________ are the poems and songs in the Bible. In the Puritan church they would ______-Out when the congregation repeated them back to the minister.
  21. The ____________ gland literally makes you cry.
  22. The ______________ is sometimes called the voice box.
  23. Boys became _______________ when they wanted to learn a trade like blacksmith or cooper.
  24. Sunday is called the ______________ or the day of rest.
  25. Mom calls the cheek muscle the "buccaneer" but it's really called the ___________________.


Science: Gray's Anatomy, 1 page

Math Workbooks: Guinness 1 page, Sylvan 1 page Prime Numbers maze


Sophie's blog: On Last Monday I got my new skates at the ice house. They are the same kind of skates but they got sharpened by different people. Last time these guys sharpened my skates I had a bad experience. I first tried my skates out and I liked them, i could even do an axel with them. I wore them on Thursday and I did 2 doubles! On Saturday I wore them and got blisters but that's ok everyone does with new skates. On Sunday Night I went on my Left outside edge and fell down. I did a more last night and started to realize something was wrong. I skated at noon today and I went on my left outside edge and fell down again. I did some spins and when I did my camel I fell right down on my stomach. It hurt! Linda put my program on and I fell on my stomach in my axel. I did my program again and in the middle of it when I went in my flying camel, I flew and landed right on my stomach and sprained my hand a little bit. I don't think I want the ice house to sharpen my blades again!


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