
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

February 8th & 9th, 2011 Day Ninety-Six-Seven

5 x 5 for 5th Grade

5 Vocabulary

1. Commerce: An interchange of goods or commodities on a large scale between different countries; money

2. Smuggling: To import or export goods *illegally usually

3. Cerebrum: The largest part of your brain made mostly with nerve cells

4. Cerebellum: Located at the back of your brain behind the brain stem the cerebellum helps your hand eye coordination

5. Brain Stem: The part of the brain that connects the brain to the spine controls your heartbeat, breathing and other body functions

5 Sentences

1. Commerce was a big part of the Mercantilism economy because the trade triangle made a lot of commerce for England.

2. A lot of the richer apprentices higher in station would get in to the smuggling business.

3. The nerves from the 5 senses go to the cerebrum.

4. The cerebellum is the smallest part of the brain.

5. The brain stem connects with the spine forming the Central Nervous system.

5 Facts & Details

1. The brain weighs 3 pounds.

2. Your brain receives most of its blood from the Thyroid cartilage or Adam's Apple.

3. A 150 pound person has approximately 11 pints of blood through his or her body.

4. The cerebellum is on the right side of the brain.

5. The cerebrum is on the left side of the brain.

5 Questions

1. What has been the most reliable source of information about the Pilgrims? A: A manuscript written by William Bradford

2. Who is eligible to join the General Society of Mayflower descendants? A: Anyone, but someone who is able to prove they are a Mayflower descendent

3. What is the meaning of the word "Plantation" as used in Plymouth Plantation? A: A colony planted in the New World

4. Why have the Pilgrims been more revered than the sellers of other earlier colonies? A: The men brought wives and children with them on the first English trip

5. Are you a Mayflower descendant? From who? A: Yes, John Alden

*Bonus* What do you think about that? A: I think it is really cool because John Adams was also a descendent of John Alden

5 Math from Fraction Stories, page 33-34

1. Is the hat of Stink's unknown partner larger or smaller than Stinky's hat? Explain. A: it's larger because Stinky's hat is less than half of 30, which is 15, so his partner's hat has to be 15 inches or more

2. Forker and Spoon both claim they have a hat size of 14 5/58 inches. Could either of them be Stinky's partner? Explain. A: No, because the hat size has to be 15 inches or larger

3. What's the hat size of Stinky's unknown partner? A: 16 5/8

4. What is the sum of Stinky's and the Sheriff's hat size? A: 30 (duh!)

5. Who do you think is Stink's partner? Why? A: The Sheriff, 16 5/8 is the closest thing that is more than 15 that adds up to 30


"Annie": almost ready to post audition!

Gray's Anatomy: 3 pages on the Brain

Math Workbooks: 2 pages Guinness, 1 page Sylvan

Colonial Letters: Topic: Customs

Colonial Letters, Family Roles: Topic Food & Customs Letter 3

Dear Ruth,

Yes I am in Quebec colony and I think you will be glad to know that I will be spending the Advent days and the twelve night with you and your family. I am so sorry about your mother, I hope by the time I come to visit your father will be remarried. I do know what it is like because your father is right. My mother passed away when I was about 12 and my father remarried to your grandmother Rose Alden. It will be my pleasure to bring you some furs. Here in Quebec the French put a Christmas Wreath on their door do you have that? If not I will also bring you it.

I must know, what does your mothers Skull and Crossbones say? Does she have an Epitah, if so what does it say? I am lying in again waiting to have another baby. Rachel is learning to walk but I am still go carting her for now, do you have a carriage in your home?

The Indians are friendly here. They will trade with us, give us food and help the baby. One of the Indians here healed me from my cold and they also healed Edward. Edward says we will be stopping by Plymouth twice in the new year for about a month.

Our little family is still at health. I thank God. I will name the baby Percilla or Timothy, I hope you agree. I will see you soon

- Sarah, Edward and Rachel Harris


Dear Ruth,

I am getting ready to leave for Plymouth, I will arrive on the twelve night. I hope you family is doing better. I am so glad you are learning to cook and I think it is the same difficulty as it was learning in England.

The Nocake sounds delicious and so does your dinner you had. When I come to visit I will help Katherine, Anna and you with cooking. Thank you for giving me the names of your family. You need to show me where the Kitchen Garden is and the smokehouse. These places we do not have back at England. I am glad to know you still have fish day. I hope your fever gets better as well.

We will have fun when I come to visit you, I brought gifts from England for Advent. Do not tell your family this but here is what I got for your family. Your father, A new church outfit. Myles commerce to get to Dartmouth, Anna a new dress, Edward and Jacob new church shoes as well, Katherine, A new coif, Mary and Elizabeth dresses, Samuel a teddy bear, and hopefully your new mother a dress.

I have to put Rachel to bed now, I will see you soon. Let God find your family a mother as good as Percilla.

- Sarah, Edward and Rachel Harris


Skating, skating, and more skating!



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