
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Days 21 & 22

7 x7 Seven Subjects & 7 things I learned       October 3 & 4, 2012      Days 21 & 22

1.       Math—7 new math tips posters

Scroll down below for more Math poster! 

2. Science

a. Q. How many cells are in your body?

A. There is no real consensus on the number of cells in the human body. Estimates are around 10 trillion and one hundred trillion, which gives you an estimate on how small cells are!

b. Q. Why do we have finger nails and toe nails?

A. There are many theories about why we have fingernails and toenails, the most common relates to how humans altered or adjusted to changing environment over many eons, Fingernails and toenails are a feature of humans and primates.

c. Experts say that people could get along without fingernails and toenails, but it makes life much easier.

d. Q. what in the brain causes nightmares?

A. A nightmare is a bad or distressed dream that causes the feeling of fear. It is estimated that 30 of 50 kids have nightmares. Usually, they grow out of it. Nightmares usually are a threat to safety or life and are commonly caused by stress.

e. Nightmares occur during the rapid eye movement part of sleep, REM is about two hours of a normal night’s sleep, but that time is broken up into about four or five hours.

f. Q. Why do we get goose bumps when we are cold?

A. Goosebumps are small bumps on a person’s skin, at the base of body hairs, the most common type of goose bumps are a response to cold. The erect hairs trap air to create insulation and goose bumps.

g. Goose bumps can also occur when a person is angry or sad or afraid.

3. History--DVD series loaned to us by dear friend Joanna Patterson. Sophie watched the first two episodes.

a. I learned that the Vikings came to England carrying amber, fur, and walrus ivory in exchange for land.

b. I learned about Alfred, Alfred was a wonderful warrior who chased the Vikings out of England.

c. I learned that Alfred reinvented the English Monarchy.

d. Alfred’s grandson was crowned the first King of England in bath, the sacred water castle of God.

e. I learned about the legions, and how Rome, took over England around 44 BC.

f. I learned about how English people buried their treasures and valuable treasures when the legions left, because they didn’t have as good of a “security system!”

g. I learned about a battle in 79 AD that took place around some unidentified mountain, which killed 99 men out of 100 in the English army.

4. Language

a. Kerfuffle: noun, definition: A fuss, a commotion, U.S translation, “What’s all the whoop-de-doo?

b. Knackered: Adjective: definition, worn out, exhausted, debilitated, U.S translation: I’m plum tuckered out!

c. Jam Butty: noun, definition: A sandwich, US translation, “Let’s go grab a Sandwich.”

d. Argy-Bargy: noun, definition: A dispute, a fight, an argument, U.S translation: “What a ruckus!”

e. Elevenses: noun, definition: coffee break at 11:00 am, U.S translation: “Isn’t it time for brunch?”

f. Motley: noun, definition: show, silly show, strange show, circus, U.S translation: “On with the show”

g. Rozzer: noun, definition: Policeman, cops, U>S translation: “Here come the cops!” 8/9+


5. Reading—Short Answer “Quiz” for Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry

a. How is Cassie Logan similar to you? How is she different?
Cassie Logan is similar to me, Sophie Calderwood, because we are about the same age, the same height; we both feel the same way, most of the time. Cassie and I are different because I am white, and she is black, and she lives in Mississippi and I live in Maine.

b. What events in ROTHMC demonstrate bravery and courage?
When the Logans kept going to Vicksburg to shop even though their life depended on it, when the kids went to help TJ, when Mr. Morrison fought the Wallace’s even though they might burn their house, Papa setting the fire to safe the Avery’s.

c. List and describe what you learned about sharecropping?
A plantation owner, like Harlan Granger in ROTHMC, can decide if he wants black people living on his land, they have to plant cotton and hive half of it to the plantation owner to sell while they keep the other half to pay for the family and land. The problem of this to make it not really fair, is that Granger said that the sharecroppers had to give 60% of the cotton to him and only 40% goes to them.

d. Summarize the plot about credit, the Wallace store, and Vicksburg:
The Logans went around to many black families around their town to tell them that they would be making a trip up to Vicksburg so they wouldn’t have to deal with the Wallace’s. Some sharecropper families weren’t sure about that because part of the deal with sharecropping was that Granger would go to the store and get general items for his sharecroppers like, food, clothes, water, and they would have a credit that Granger would pay the fee but the sharecroppers would have to repay Granger in cotton.

e. Describe the characters of Mr. Morrison and Uncle Hammer:
Mr. Morrison is a very big, strong, quiet man that stays on the Logan land and gets room and board. He helps out around the farm and becomes part of the family. Uncle Hammer lives in Chicago and he has a lot of money. In his job he is treated like a man, so when a white man pushed Cassie off the sidewalk he got very angry and attempted to make big trouble, but Mr. Morrison stopped that. Uncle Hammer paid for the Logans mortgage by selling his silver Packard.

f. How do you feel about TJ? Identify and describe at least 3 feels or reactions you have to his story:
I think TJ was a stupid and kind of dumb for going through with the Barnett store and everything just so he could have white friends, but they ended up hurting him. I felt bad for TJ in the end because he was just a young boy, however he did commit a crime, not something that is not considered a crime by white men. I think that TJ was bratty and snotty and got Stacy in trouble a lot.

g. Why is it important for American 7th graders to read ROTHMC?
Because it teaches them about their past, even though it’s not a story about a good part of American History, it’s a story that’s mostly true. American black people probably feel really bad reading this story because it is not good, same with whites, especially in the south.

6. Writing

Revision part 2—Writing conference

In August 2007, when I was 6 years old, I qualified to compete in a figure skating competition located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. When my family got there, we were invited to a big opening ceremony event. All my cousins and friends and I from Maine were really excited. The next day I competed in the freestyle event with my “beautiful program,” as I called it. I was competed against the whole country and I was really nervous. I skated in the beginner level against many other little 7 year old girls, in fact there were about twenty! I felt very happy with my performance after I competed, I got fourth place, which was super exciting. Fourth place did not receive a medal but I did get to be in newspapers all over the country, which was awesome! I finished competing for a while after that. I didn’t skate again for another couple of days.

The next day my cousins, Amanda Ben and Connie competed. I felt so happy and excited to support them and watch them skate. Amanda competed against some of her friends from Maine which, was kind of upsetting. It’s always hard when you have to compete against your friends because the results might tear your friendship apart. Amanda skated beautifully however, and it did not bother her at all that one of her friends scored a higher placement than she did. I looked up to her for that. Everybody was ready to compete again the next day, including my cousins. We all competed in the Showcase event, which is my favorite part of competitions. This is where you wear real costumes and perform to fun music. My music was “Buffalo Gals,” “Skip to My Lou,” and “Polly Wolly Doodle” all mashed up together, and I wore a wonderful little cowgirl outfit covered with rhinestones and sparkles.

I felt nervous, let me tell you! There were ten girls in my group and five of them were wearing cowgirl outfits like mine. Now you may think, how could I beat them?  I was only six back then and it didn’t bother me much, because I was just worried about them having the same music as me! I skated onto the ice for my warm-up and saw the other girls practicing. I started getting really scared but then realized that being nervous would not make a good impression on the judges so I tried smiling instead! My family said that I smiled so big and so hard that it looked like my teeth were popping out! The announcer called my name. “And now Miss Sophie Calderwood representing the Skating Club of Brunswick and the state of Maine.”  I grabbed my 5 foot tall light up moon and carried it to center ice, took my opening pose, and skated like my life depended on it! I felt so impressed with my performance and so did my family and coach! We waited an hour to get the results. We were about to leave because my one  year old sister started to cry and disturbed everybody, when Travis, my friend Shania’s brother, shouted out, she got first! I ran to the scoreboard yelling “What?!” and realized it was true. As you can imagine, my family and coach were so proud of me, me too! Now, among my 65 medals, that big gold one that I won at the State games of America, in Colorado Springs, is still my favorite.

7 things you learned about writing conference:

a. I learned more about active voice and when to know if it is passive or active.

b. I learned that it starting however with a sentence isn’t completely right; Mom said she likes to put it in the middle of a sentence.

c. I learned that is not good to start a story with a date, like August, 2007 so I put, In August 2007.

d. I learned how to revise sentences easily.

e. I learned that which usually has a comma in front of it like, “ally ate peanuts, which she was allergic to.

f. I learned that song titles always are capitalized with quotation marks like, “Call Me Maybe”

g. I learned that felt, is a good active word for a sentence. 

7. Music & Skating –prep for Regionals

a. Practice piano

b. Practice singing

c. The Skating club threw me a party this weekend before I went to Regionals I skated my program, got presents, and got red velvet cake!

d. I learned some new arm movements and jump techniques in Boxborough last Wednesday

e. I did twelve perfect programs last week, I learned and know now that there is nothing to be worried about

f. I learned that it is so much easier to train when the ice is all to myself like it will be this week since Bowdoin’s open

g. I learned that I probably won’t do my double lutz at Regionals since it is not consistent
More Math Posters!

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