
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 68 Holiday 7 x 7

December 17, 2012   Day 68   Christmas School                Holiday 7 x 7

7 Celebrations *Search Wikipedia & briefly summarize

1. Solstice: On December 21, at noon, the sun reaches its lowest altitude above the horizon. The winter solstice is also called “midwinter” “the longest night” or “the first day of winter” which it is, the first day of winter. The winter solstice is in 3 days.

2. Saturnalia: This was an ancient Roman festival in honor of deity Saturn held on December 17 – 23. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn. There was also gift-giving, continuous partying, a public banquet and more.  

3. Dies Natalis Solis Invicti: Sol invictus was the official Sun god of the Roman Empire. Dies natalis Sol invictus is the celebration of the Birthday of the unconquered son celebrated in December.

4. Brumalia: Bumalia was an ancient Roman Southern Solstice honoring Crotus, and Demeter. Bruma means “the shortest day” or even “winter”

5. Yule: Yule is a religious festival celebrated by the northern European people, which later absorbed into Christmas.

6. Hannukah: The festival of lights, an eight day Jewish holiday using a menorah and candles. Commemorating the rededication of the holy temple in Jerusalem.

7. Christmas: The most well known holiday celebrating the birth of Christ. This is a big holiday on the 24-25th of December. There are many holiday figures used to celebrate the holiday, most famous is Santa Claus, Rudolph, and Frosty the Snowman!

7 “Facts” from mini-lecture—“How Christmas evolved in America”

1. In 1644 Christmas is banned in England.

2. In 1659 in the New World, The Puritans banned Christmas

3. In the late 1700’s in America, The people decide that it is Anti-American to celebrate Christmas because it is a British holiday. So they don’t celebrate Christmas for a while.

4. The Germans and the Irish Catholics come over to America in the early 1700s and they bring their traditions about Christmas and introduce it to the Americans.

5. In America 1870, they recognize Christmas as a holiday and it is how we celebrate it now, with Santa Claus, and gifts, and Christmas trees.

6. There are still Christians now who believe that it is inappropriate to celebrate Christmas in December.

7. What Americans did is they took different traditions from all the different celebrations around late December and mixed them all together to make Christmas as we know it today.

7 Images

7 Family Traditions

1. We play the left and right game at Emma’s.

2. We bake and decorate cookies.

3. We always watch Christmas movies like, White Christmas, A Christmas Story, It’s a wonderful life, The Grinch, The Santa clause, and many more Christmas themed family movies.

4. We always participate in the Christmas Skating show.

5. We make all of our Christmas presents.

6. We always see some sort of Christmas themed show.

7. Lily and I have a bet on Christmas day, if it snows on the 25th I get all of her coin collections, if it doesn’t she gets 5 bucks from me.

7 Favorite Holiday Songs with credits

1. Simply having a wonderful Christmas time by Paul McCartney

2. Christmas (baby please come home) Michael Buble

3. Sleigh ride by Big Crosby

4. Jingle bells by Nat King Cole

5. Have yourself a merry little Christmas Judy garland

6. Deck the halls by Olivia Newton john

7. Winter Wonderland by John Mercer.

7 Stanza Final Christmas Poem—about whatever you’d like—NYC & Rocketts. Christmas School,

                                                      Christmas traditions

Christmas, Christmas what a joy,

Making gifts and getting toys,

Going down to NYC

Santa Claus and Christmas trees.

This year I made dream catchers,

Mustache mugs, I’m not amateur

Spa, wind chimes and necklaces,

Cherry blossom print and ornaments!

We went to New York to see the Rockettes

Had singing waiters, and they Rocked it!

Trains and plants making the city,

And Rockefeller center was oh so pretty!

Our skating show was oh so fine,

“Simply having a wonderful Christmas time!”

Bouncing donkeys, and Hockey elves,

I think I did pretty well myself

On Christmas day we woke up to find,

Dolls, a guitar, Santa was kind,

But I think you should know my favorite part,

Giving gifts, home-made from the heart!

Than we had a giant feast!

Well not on Christmas day but on Christmas Eve,

But I’ll tell you about it anyway

A grandfather’s seafood meal awaits!

This Christmas was especially nice

Not so hectic, but more precise

I gave and received such wonderful presents,

I hope that next year you can be present.

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