
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Days 77 & 78

7 x7 Seven Subjects & 7 things I learned   Days 77 & 78

1.       Math

a. I learned about proportions and I have to say that I am really good at it!!! 8/3 = m/9 m= 24

b. 7/4 = 14/m m = 8

c. 8/6 = m/9 m = 12

d. ½ = 10/m m = 20

e. 4/18$ = 5/m m = $22.50

f. Before your mom will let you go to your friend’s house, you must first finish your reading assignment. You’ve read 36 pages in the last 30 minutes. You have 50 minutes left. How long will it take to finish? 12 minutes and 30 seconds

g. You’re watching your friend’s puppy for a week while she goes on vacation. You have 3 puppies, and they usually go through ¾ of puppy food a week. Now you’re watching 5 puppies. How many bags of puppy food will they eat for the week? 1 ¼

2. Science

a. Isaac Newton lived in the small village of Woolsthrope England in the 1650s

b. Isaac noticed patterns, and saw the rhythms of everyday life, sunrise to sunset, spring to summer to autumn to winter. He saw patterns as the sun rose and the moon set.

c. Isaac built tiny models of windmills, water clocks, sundials, kites, and more and saw the patterns of how the wind, water and the sun made them work.

d. Isaac Newton questioned gravity when he saw an apple fall down from a tree.

e. Isaac Newton was known as a “Natural philosopher” what we generally call a scientist or a physicist. 

f. Isaac Newton wrote a book about his Physics discoveries, It is called, Newton’s Mathematical Principles of the Natural Philosophy.

g. Isaac newton made astounding discoveries in physics, astronomy, optics, and mathematics.

3. History

a. The three levels of the judicial system are 1, the district court, 2, the appellate court, and 3, the Supreme Court.

b. The highest court in the United States is the Supreme Court. 

c. Hears cases and makes judgments according to the Constitution and other laws. 

d. To be elected for Senate, a person must be at least thirty years old and live in the state he or she is representing.

e. Senators are elected for six-year terms. There is no limit of terms.

f. In addition to passing laws, the senate approves presidential nominees and ratifies treaties that the president makes with other countries.

g. Today I learned about the legislative and judicial branches of government

4. Language

a. In Spanish, There are two different words for “you” tu and usted. You use tu when talking informally and usted when talking formally.

b. To ask how family and friends are, you use ?Como estas? or ?Que Tal? And to people you don’t know very well, you say Que tal esta usted instead.

c. In Spanish you put two question marks at the beginning and end of a sentence.

d. Buenos dias, ?Como estas? Hello, how are you?

e. Estoy bien ?Y tu? Fine, thanks, and you?

f. Buenas Noches Goodnight

g. Hasta Luego See you later

5. Reading

a. Hamburger with a Handful of potato chips. Handful means a small amount

b. Hamburger with scores of potato chips. Scores means a large amount

c. Sandwich of thinly carved turkey, Hot dog with very hot relish. Carved means cut, Hot means spicy

d. Fresh shrimp, you discard the shells. Discard means to toss aside.

e. An entrée of fish with a mixed greens salad. Entrée means the main dish.

f. Spaghetti cooked in a large kettle, Salad with crunchy croutons on top. Kettle means a large pot, croutons are dried bread cubes.

g. Apple pie from a farm-fresh crop of apples. Crop means produce supply.

6. Writing

a. In writing today I created an idea web about a character of my choice.

b. Character: Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter

c. How person looks: She has light blonde hair and blue eyes; she is petite for her age.

d. How person acts: She is very sweet yet shy. She is kind of an airhead and she is very calm.

e. How person sounds: Very sweet British sounding voice.

f. How person moves: normally, swiftly

g. background details: She is a wizard at Hogwarts and she is a friend to Harry, Ron, and Hermione

7. Music

a. I learned to open my mouth to an e shaped when I am singing B note

b. I learned when I was singing “On my Own” to opwn my mouth down instead of out to create an even sounding volume on the part where it goes “The world is full of happiness that I have never Known!”

c. We worked on singing “I dreamed a dream” IN different keys to figure out which was better for my voice.

d. We worked on the acting version of “Castle on a cloud”

e. I learned a new humming warm-up

f. I worked on songs sounding mezzo-forte

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