
Monday, May 23, 2011


May 18, 2011 Day One-Hundred and fifty-four



5 x 5 for 5th Grade

"Johnny has gone for a solider"

5 Vocabulary

1. Drill (military): training in formal marching or other precise military or naval movements

2. bounty: A premium or reward

3. civilian: A person who is not on active duty with a military

4. contradiction: Direct opposition between things compared: inconsistency

5. discipline: training to act in accordance with rules

5 Sentences

1. People who wanted to join the Continental Army had to perform military drills.

2. George Washington did not want a bounty for being the General.

3. People who were not in the army were called civilians.

4. George Washington and King George the third were contradictories.

5. At the last part of the war, Washington needed discipline from the soldiers.

5 Facts & Details

1. Crispus Attucks was the first men to die in the Revolution

2. Crispus was an enlisted slave

3. The hessians fought so fiercely in the revolution because they were tricked by King George and said the Americans would make them slaves if they didn't fight

4. 12 year old boys were sometimes sent to bang the drum for the army.

5. Native Americans fought on both sides

5 Questions

1. What was a typical term of enlistment? A: a time period

2. Why did General Washington ask the Continental Congress for longer enlistment terms for the army? A: Because the war seemed to last much longer than planned and George needed to teach his men discipline

3. What was the greatest number of soldiers Washington commanded at one time? A: 17,000 men

4. Approximately how many black soldiers fought in the American army? A: approximately 5,000

5. What were black slaves promised if they enlisted? A: freedom of slavery

*Bonus question: "What did Abigail Adams write about the contradiction of slavery and the Revolutionary fight for freedom? A: I wish most sincerely, there was not a slave in the province; it always appeared a most iniquitous scheme to fight ourselves for what we are daily robbing and plundering from those who have as good a right to freedom as we have."

5 Math from Fraction Stories Skill Review Quiz 3

1. Find ¼ of 36: 9

2. How much was Vicki paid? (2/5 of 40 million): 16 million

3. Find the product of 3/11 x 2/7: 6/77

4. How big a block did the cheese slicer cut? (7/8 of 16/21 ton): 2/5 tons

5. Find the quotient of 2/3 divided by ¾: 8/9



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