
Monday, May 23, 2011


May 20 & 21, 2011 Days One Hundred and Fifty-six and seven—Colonial American sites field trips


Sophie's Blog: Plymouth Plantation

It was cold. On May 16th, we decided to go to Plymouth. There was a big storm and it looked like it was never going to stop. All through out the week were spending in Cape Cod, there is supposed to be RAIN. Nothing but rain. I really wanted to go to Plymouth so we went. We got there and it was drizzling down. But we still did it. We went inside and looked at the "Mooflower" a real life sized cow with pantaloons and a pilgrim hat with a gigantic ship for its stomach! We took a picture then moved on. It is part 2 for my video on Colonial America. Though I learned about this 4 months ago, we still haven't finished it. (That's only because I learned about this during the winter and none of these places opened until the spring but still.) We first went to the 17th century and filmed my introduction to Plymouth Plantation… " Hello again, We are in Plymouth Plantation talking about family life. We will be visiting 4 places and taking about different topics in each one. At the fort, school and church, at a house, we will discuss family and home, In a garden, the topic is food and customs, and finally at the Wampanoag village, clothing and crafts. Family Life in colonial America was hard because the colonists were used to the cities of England and Europe, not the open wide spaces of the New World." That was my introduction speech. Then we went to visit all the pilgrims in their houses… ( we even met Pricilla Alden!) Then we went to the Wampanoag village and filmed there. Then we went to the play area where me and Lily were REAL pilgrims for an hour. Sarah, Marie, and James Abanathy. We had a whole story too: James' Father came over on the Mayflower and we were his descendants. Abanathy was his name, that's how we got our name. I was Marie and Sarah was my daughter. We were friends with the Indians and Massasoit, the Indian chief. Dad was James, my husband, Grandpa DC was Hobbamock and Grandma Gayle was Mrs. Hobbamock as we English called her. Sarah helped me in the garden and the kitchen. We had real pilgrim dress up clothes, they were very pretty. James' was a fishermen and Sarah and her brother Paul went fishing with him. We had real food and, well mom took a video so I won't tell you the rest! That's what we did at Plymouth, I hope you enjoy my video… BYE!

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