
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 9, 2011 Day One-hundred and forty-seven

5 x 5 for 5th Grade
Battle of Trenton
5 Vocabulary
1. Hessians: Highly Qualified German Soldiers who King George is paying to come over to fight along with the British
2. Ambush: The act of waiting in a concealed position in order to launch a surprise attack
3. Enlistment: to enter or persuade into an engagement to serve in the armed forces
4. Galley: a seagoing vessel propelled mainly by oars, used in ancient and medieval times, sometimes with the aid of sails
5. bombardment: to attack with concentrated artillery fire or bombs
5 Sentences
1. The Hessians, in a lot of ways, were better soldiers than the British.
2. At Lexington and Concord there was an ambush called the Bloody Angle.
3. The American colonists enlisted in to the American army to fight for freedom.
4. Washington crossed the Delaware in a galley.
5. The British usually bombarded the Americans, Washington did surprise attacks because he had almost no ammunitions.
5 Facts & Details
1. Cornwallis was the British general at Princeton.
2. Nathan Hale was a spy for George Washington that was captured by the British.
3. Nathan Hale's famous last words were, "I only regret, that I have but one life to lose for my country."
4. The Battle of Long Island was 4 days before my birthday!
5. By this time, we were known as the United States of America.
5 Questions
1. What significant battle preceded the Battle of Trenton on Aug. 27, 1776? A: The battle of Long Island
2. Who stopped the British invasion from Canada? A: Benedict Arnold
3. On what night did General Washington cross the Delaware? A: Christmas Eve
4. What were some of the reasons General Washington's surprise attack worked at Trenton? A: It was Christmas, it was winter, the hessians were positive they wouldn't attack, and the Hessian leader didn't read the note the loyalist sent them telling him they were going to attack
5. What was General Washington's "surprise move" that won the Battle of Trenton? A: crossing the Delaware on Christmas Eve in the Winter during the middle of the night!
5 Math from Fraction Stories Skill 19: Multiplying & Dividing Mixed Numbers
1. 1 1 2/3 x 1 1/5 = 2
2. 1 ¾ x 1 1/3 = 2 1/3
3. 3 1/3 x 1 7/8 = 6 1/4
4. 1 1/6 x 9 = 10 1/2
5. 2 2/9 x 3 3/5 = 2/8
Math: 1 page Guinness, 1 page Sylvan
Reading: Chapter 4 Revolutionary War for Kids
Road to Revolution—2 chapters
Chemistry Lab:
Chemistry Lab Report for Amazing Kitchen Chemistry
Chapter Name: Mixtures
Lab or Project Name: Get your Iron
Materials Needed:
Breakfast cereal fortified with iron
Preparation Notes for Lab:
Raisin bran cluster Fiber One cereal with 25 % iron
2 bowls ready (one for Lily) and pitcher of water
2 magnets, 1 masher

Step or Stage 1: What did you do? What do you notice?
Put one cup cereal in each bowl and mash it up with masher
Hard to mash it good dry
Step or Stage 2: What did you do? What do you notice?
Pour water in bowls until cereal is covered and mash some more
Easier to mash cereal into mush with the water making flakes soft

Step or Stage 3: What did you do? What do you notice?
Place magnet in bowl of mushy cereal and swish around, particularly on the bottom of bowl
The iron from the cereal went to the magnet. It was important to swish the magnets on the bottom because the iron is heavier and it sinks to bottom

Step or Stage 4: What did you do? What do you notice?

Step or Stage 5: What did you do? What do you notice?
Variations: 1. Dry cereal, no mashing, swish magnet = no iron particles
2. dry cereal, mashed, swish magnet = a few iron particles
3. add vinegar, mashed= more iron particles than water

Copy and Paste any pictures or illustrations of Lab.

Chemistry Lab Report for Amazing Kitchen Chemistry
Chapter Name: Reactions
Lab or Project Name: Pennies
Materials Needed:
2 bowls
10 pennies, some of which with dates before 1982
Preparation Notes for Lab:
Divide the pennies (half for Lily)
Leave one penny aside
Prepare bowls and materials on counter

Step or Stage 1: What did you do? What do you notice?
Pour vinegar to bottom on each bowl and then add one spoon salt and stir well

Step or Stage 2: What did you do? What do you notice?
Put 4 pennies in each bowl with vinegar & wait 10 mins
With penny left out, hold penny so half in vinegar for about a minute
Half of the penny was still dirty and half was shiny because of the acid from vinegar attracted the ions of oxide on the penny and cleaned it. * Lily chose a newer, shinier penny and it didn't get as clean but it was pretty shiny to start with.

Step or Stage 3: What did you do? What do you notice?
After 10 mins take pennies out of bowl. Rinse one set of pennies and leave on paper towel to dry.
With the other half of pennies, don't rinse and take right out of bowl and let them dry on paper towel
We poured water on one half of the pennies, the water stopped the chemical reaction and the pennies stayed clean. The other half of the pennies we didn't rinse off and the chemical reaction kept going. Air is another chemical and the air let the penny ions turn blue like on the Statue of Liberty.
Step or Stage 4: What did you do? What do you notice?
  1. Get more dirty pennies and leave half in bowl of Coke for a couple hours
  2. Get more dirty pennies and leave the other half in bowl of milk for a couple hours
We poured 5 pennies in coke and dried them after, with the coke you could see the differences between 1964 and 2000 easily.
With the milk all the pennies looked milky! They had white stains on them and rusted like the no rinse pennies
Copy and Paste any pictures or illustrations of Lab.

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