
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 106

7 x7 Seven Subjects & 7 things I learned Day 106

1.       Math

a. In math today, I did 6 problems with two problems in them, the only difference between the problems was the placement of the parentheses, I did the math to figure out If the answers were equal or not. A is whether the answers are the same or not, b. is the answers.

b. 3 + (5 x 2) and (3 + 5 ) x 2 =?

a. no b. 13 and 16.

c. 7 + (2 + 1) and (7 +2) + 1

a. yes b. 10

d. (6 – 2) + 4 and 6 – (2 +4)

a. no, not equal b. 8 and 0

e. 5 x (1/2 x 6) and (5 x ½) x 6

a. yes b. 15

f. 6 + (2 x 3) and (6 + 2) x 3

a. nope not equal b. 12 and 24

g. (8 / 2) / 2 and 8 / (2/2) (/ means divided)

a. no b. 2 and 8


2. Science

a. Following Death, Isaac Newton got his wish to be one of history’s most prominent scientists, and one of the most famous people who ever lived.

b. I saw the monument for Isaac Newton at Westminster Abbey, It has a globe, and some angels holding it up, making a reference to his discovery of gravity.

c. Newton's is now known as the “Father of Physics” because of his great ideas about the three laws of motion and the discovery of gravity.

d. Albert Einstein himself acknowledged Newton for his influence on Physics, Newton was “ a shining spirit who pointed out, as none before or after him, the path of Western thought and research” Albert Einstein quoted.

e. In 2005, the Royal Society held a vote for the public to choose, “The greatest scientist that ever lived.” 61 percent said Newton, 39 percent said Einstein.

f. Newton's “Death mask” is placed next to his original copy of “Principia.”

g. Thank you Isaac Newton for discovering physics so young students like me can learn about it today.

3. History

a. World War II mini timeline: 1939

September 1: Germany invades Poland

September 3: Britain and France declare war on Germany.

b. 1940: April: Germany invades Denmark and Norway

May: German blitzkrieg overwhelms Belgium, the Netherlands, and France

June 22: France surrenders to Germany

July to September: The Battle of Britain

September: London Blitz begins; Italy invades Egypt.

c. 1941:

June 22: Germany invades the Soviet Union known as Operation Barbarossa

September 8: Siege of Leningrad begins it will last 872 days.

December 7: Japan attacks the U.S naval base at Pearl Harbor Hawaii

December 8: U.S declares war on Japan.


January-April: Japan invades the Philippines, Singapore, Dutch East Indies, and Burma

May 4-8: Japan retreats after the battle of the Coral Sea.

June 4-7: U.S defeats Japan at the battle of Midway

August 23: Battle of Stalingrad begins

October 23-November 11: Allies defeat Germany at the Battle of El Alamein

e. 1943

February 2: Battle of Stalingrad ends with a Soviet victory over Germany

May: Axis surrenders in North Africa

July: Allies invade Sicily; Mussolini is removed from power.

July 5-August 23: Soviet defeat Germany at the battle of Kursk.

September: Allies invade Italy; the Italians surrender; German troops move in to Italy

f. 1944

June 4: Rome falls to the Allies

June 6: Allies invade Northern France on D-Day

June 15-July9: Allies defeat Japan at the Battle of Saipan

December 16: Battle of the Bulge begins

g. 1945

February 19-March 26: U.S defeats Japan at the battle of Iwo Jima

April 1- June 21 Allies defeat Japan at the Battle of Okinawa

April 28: Mussolini is executed in Italy

April 30: Hitler comits suicide in Berlin

May 8: Germany surrenders

August 6: U.S drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima Japan

August 8: Soviets enter the war against Japan

August 9: U.S drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan

September 2: Japan formally surrenders

September 3: WE WON!!!


4. Language

a. What are they doing? In Spanish today, I learned how to describe what someone’s doing.

b. To describe what a person is doing, you use the verb, “estar” (to be) followed by the present participle of another verb.

Esta corriendo, She/he’s running

Esta montando en bici. She’s riding a bike.

c. To talk about sports you use the verb, jugar (to play) followed by a preposition.

Esta jugando rugby. He’s playing football.

d. You sometimes use the verb hacer, (to do) followed by the sport: Esta hacienda gymnasia. She’s doing gymnastics.

e. Mom and I played a game where we cut out pieces if paper with six action sentences on it, and the other person had to guess what you were doing.

f. Some of the other sports and actions I learned are:

 Estan jugando futbol.

They’re playing soccor

Estan nadando

They’re swimming

Estan bailando

They’re dancing

Esta jugando tenis

She’s playing tennis.

Esta corriendo

She’s running

Estan jugando basquetbol

They’re playing basketball.

g. What you would say to ask what are they doing? ?Que estan hacienda?

5. Reading

a. In Reading today I read a story about a young boy who moved to Mexico for two years and was troubled by the plight of the poor.

b. I learned about describing a character. Wesley was an easy character to describe today.

c. Choose three words to describe Wesley:

Compassionate, caring, and young.

d. What is Wesley’s main goal since he moved to Central America?

To help the less fortunate by volunteering at a local food shelter.

e. Do you think Wesley agreed or disagreed with the trainer at the orientation workshop telling them never to give food to a beggar?

I think he disagreed. Wesley didn’t want to see those poor people to starve and die on the streets. An example to support my answer: Wesley says that he does not believe giving the beggars money will make them greedy, but will make the grateful.

f. What does Wesley see when he goes out to eat with his family? The beggars lined up on the street hoping for food.

g. If you were Wesley’s older brother or sister, what suggestions would you make to help him with his concerns? I would tell him to maybe smile at the beggars once in a while to let them know that you care.

6. Writing

a. I chose to write a fantasy story for my final writing project.

b. I chose to write the story idea of the clone of a wizard family.

c. My main character is named Reagan Johnson, her brother is Garret Johnson, her mother is Louise Johnson and her father is Steve Johnson. At the beginning of the story, they are just a normal family in San Francisco.

d. Appearance of your main character: Reagan has long blonde hair, brown eyes, and she is about 5’5.

e. Special qualities: She is a clone of the wizard family of the Prescott’s. Reagan is also a wizard.

f. How he/she talks: Reagan talks with a normal American city accent.

g. Other details: She is 15, she has a younger brother, she is in 9th grade, and she is a good student.

7. Art

a. In art today I learned about OP art, which is short for optical. The style is based on optical illusions. Most OP art paintings are based off of abstract geometric patterns. They exist mainly to fool your eyes. Some OP art patterns are so confusing and vibrant and dynamic, that they make your eyes hurt!

b. OP art was most popular during the late 1960s in the United states and Europe after an exhibition of Op art paintings appeared at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1965.

c. What are some of OP arts most important characteristics? Movement,





d. The effects above are achieved through the use of: repeated geometric shapes and patterns


contrasting colors

or black and white.

e. Some of OP art’s most famous artists are:

Richard Anuszkiewicz, United States, 1930-

 M. C. Escher, Netherlands, 1898-1972

Bridget Riley, Great Britain, 1931-

Victor Vasarely, Hungary 1908-1997

f. Victor Vasarely’s painting Composition with Red Squares is a good example of OP art because it fools your eyes when you look at it and it is an optical illusion.

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