
Monday, March 18, 2013

Days 108 & 109

7 x7 Seven Subjects & 7 things I learned                                March 11 & 12, 2013                                  Day 108 & 109

1.       Math

a. I learned about the Commutative properties. Commutative properties work for multiplication and addition.

b. Commutative properties mean that the problem can switch from back to forth: like 5 + 4 = 4 + 5. It gives you the same answer, 9.

c. For the next problems I saw if the commutative properties would work. If it did, I did the problem by switching the numbers around and then switching the parentheses to make the problem easier.

d. 1/5 x (b x 10) to: (1/5 x 10) x b

1/5 x (b x 10) = 2 x b

e. (-18.5 + y) + 8.5 = y + -10

f. (-18.5 / y) + 1.5 = ?

This problem is not allowed.

Commutative properties will not work with division or subtraction.

g. 7 x (z x 1/7) = 2


2. Science

a. In science today I read again the graphic novel about Isaac Newton.

b. I learned that Isaac Newton’s college, Trinity was shut down for two years because if the Great Plague of 1665.

c. Newton spent months trying to answer questions like, Could gravity’s force be strong enough to cause the moon to orbit Earth in the amount of time that it does? And could the same force that brings down an apple from a tree also hold the moon in orbit around the Earth?

d. The complete solution to his questions didn’t come until almost twenty years later, when he was a professor at Trinity.

e. The Royal society was a group that met regularly to talk about science.

f. The book that “changed the world forever “came to be known as Principia.

g. Principia is the book that explains the three laws of motion and the proof of gravity.

3. History

a. I learned today in history, that the government tried to send as many soldiers home to their families on temporary leaves as much as possible.

b. I learned that since paper was rationed during World War II, the government asked, (but did not require) American citizens to use a letter format called, “V-mail” where the government would take pictures of letters and send it across by plane to the soldiers in Europe and the Pacific. 

c. M and M candies were invented in World War II by Forrest Edward Mars of the Mars and mars company.

d. The military allowed units to have pet dogs as their mascots, knowing that animals cheered the men up and gave them something to care about.

e. I learned that one strategy of a propagandist is to create catchy words or phrases, one example is “Loose lips sink ships” which was popularized by the U.S government to remind Americans not to engage in idle chatter.

f. Another invention of World War II was the ribbon microphone invented in 1942 for radio broadcasting.

g. Another strategy of propaganda was to instill fear of people to build mass support. For example, the Nazis kept reminding the Germans that the allies wanted to wipe them out.


4. Language

a. I learned that the Spanish word “Corazon” means heart.

b. I learned that the Spanish word, “leyendo” means reading.

c. I learned that the Spanish word, “idioma” means language.

d. I learned that the Spanish word, “entender” means understand.

e. I learned that the Spanish word, “superficie” means surface.

f. I learned that the Spanish word, “maestro” means teacher.

g. I learned that the Spanish word, “hablar” means to talk.

5. Reading

a. I read a story in reading today about a sailor aboard the Santa Maria, one of Columbus’ ships sailing to America.

b. This is a fictitious journal, but it describes a historic voyage. Choose three words to describe the character Geraldo: worried, uncertain, doesn’t like the sea.

c. What are two of Geraldo’s concerns on his sea voyage? Falling off the edge of the Earth and sea monsters.

d. There are no dates on these journal entries. When were they written? How do you know?

1492. I know because of the rhyme, “Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492.”

e. Why were the birds and driftwood do heartening to the crew? Because it meant that they were close to land.

f. What is going to happen to Geraldo and the crew next? What will they find?

Geraldo and the crew will find America and the Native Americans that inhabit it. However, Columbus will believe that they have landed in the Indies and will call the Native Americans, Indians.

g. Do you think Geraldo will go back to sea again once he gets home? No, because Geraldo says that he got seasick a bunch and did not like being at sea, so I think he won’t.

6. Writing

a. Characters: Reagan Johnson, Melissa Prescott, Garrett Johnson, Kris Prescott.

Setting: San Francisco

Plot: Beginning

The Prescott’s are wizards, Melissa clones her family without permission and sends them off to live normal lives, when Melissa and Reagan (the clone) turn sixteen Reagan starts copying every move and spell Melissa makes, and Reagan realizes she’s a wizard.

Plot: Middle

Melissa and Reagan become friends and try to fix the problem, but everything Melissa does Reagan does the same so it makes it hard for them to work as a team. In the middle of the story Garrett and Kris, the mischievous brothers of Reagan and Melissa go to the wizard zoo and accidently release a whole bunch of wizard animals into the real world including the evil phoenix king that is trying to take over the world.

Plot: End

After doing plenty of research, Melissa and Reagan find that the only way to break Melissa’s spell is to defeat and destroy the phoenix king.
7. Voice
Sophie had her final voice lesson before her Maine State Muscial audition for Sunday March 17. She prepared the song "Castle on a Cloud" from Les Miserables and "Wouldn't it be Loverly" from My Fair Lady. She really likes her voice teacher Stephanie Fogg at Midcoast School of Music and has worked hard preparing for her audition!

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