
Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 117

March 22, 2013     Day 117

Art Review: 100% Pass! Good Job! See next post*

History: Interview & Profile: WW II veteran—still trying to arrange a time for a phone interview but we’ll get ‘er done soon!

Math: Kahn Academy ½ hour

Spanish phone numbers:

I wrote out and said family’s phone numbers like they would in Spanish:

1.       20-72-21-28-21

Viente-siente y dos- viente y uno- viente y otro- viente y uno

2.       20-77-98-15-59

Viente- siente y siete-novente y otro- quince- cincuente y nueve

3.       20-78-09-81-75

Viente- siente y otro- nueve- ochenta y uno- siente y cinco

4.       20-78-41-22-24

Viente- siete y otro- cuentra y uno- viete viete- viete cuatro

5.       20-73-29-70-74

Viente- siente y tres- viete y nueve- siente- siente y cuatro

6.       20-77-29-24-54

Viente- siente y siete- viete y nueve- viete y cuatro – cincuente y cuatro

7.       12-07-66-63-10-9

Doce- y siete- seseta y seis- seseta y tres-diece- y nueve


Science Project Part 11:  Make a step-by-step plan for your 3 Laws skating demonstration videos. DONE!

March 22, 2013   Part II

1.       Summarize the Law of Motion you are demonstrating.

First law of Motion:


Step 1:  Begin video



Step 2: Introduce myself

Step 3: Summarize the law of motion I am demonstrating:

“The first law I will be demonstrating is the law of Inertia. “An abject at rest will stay in rest and in object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.”

Step 4: Summarize what I will be doing to demonstrate this law:

“I will perform a spiral to demonstrate this law, I will be in motion, when I do a snowplow stop to stop myself, I will be at rest, the snowplow stop will be the unbalanced force that will act upon the motion.

Step 5: Pause video

Second law of motion:


Step 1: Begin video again

Step 2: Introduce my helper


Step 3: Summarize the second law of motion I am going to demonstrate:


“ The second law I am going to demonstrate is the law that states, an object/person with less mass will accelerate faster than the object/person with more mass, however if on an angle or a slop the object with more mass will accelerate faster than the object/person with less mass.”


Step 4: Explain how I am going to demonstrate the law:

“Katie and I are both going to do backspins and crossovers, you will see that Katie (the person with more mass) will accelerate faster on the spin than me then she does on the back crossovers.”

Step 5: Pause video


Third law of motion:

Step 1: Begin video again

Step 2: Summarize the third law:

“The third law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.” Basically what this is saying that when you are walking and pushing your feet against the ground, you may not realize it but the ground pushes up against your feet to create a balanced and stable state of walking.”

Step 3:

Explain what I am going to do to demonstrate this act.

“To demonstrate this law, I will be doing a simple axel. Cecilia, my videographer will put the camera on slow motion and zoom in on my pick proving that when I stick my toe in the ice after the jump, the ice or ground pushes back on my pick creating the equal and opposite force causing me not to fall through the ice.”

Step 4: Put the camera on slow motion

Step 5: Record this demonstration

Step 6: Conclusion

Step 7: Stop video

Family History Share & Tell with Gamma: Write a little summary about what you learned.

Gamma asked me to do the interview questions with her as a family surrogate for both Grandpa Mike’s father and her father:

 What were their full names?

Jim Charles Ball

Hilton Timothy Saint Clair

Were they married?

Hilton was married at the time and had two daughters.

Jim was not married at the time.

How old were you when WWII began?

Hilton was about 21 and Jim was 16

Where did they live at the time of the war?

They both lived in Oregon

When did you enlist?

Jim enlisted right after Pearl Harbor, and because he was underage, he lied about his age.

Hilton tried to enlist right after Pearl Harbor but had trouble; he didn’t list until about 2 years after Pearl Harbor.

What branch of the military did they fight in?

They both fought in the army

What were their jobs during the war?

Jim was in the infantry and Hilton was a Missouri sharp Shooter

Which front did they fight in?

Hilton fought in the Pacific front and Jim fought in both

How did they feel on D-Day from your understanding?

Jim was part of the D-Day invasion and Gamma said that he didn’t like to talk about it because he saw terrible things.

Hilton did not like to talk about the D-Day invasion either.

Were they scared that another attack like Pearl Harbor would happen in your hometown?

In Astoria everyone was scared that an attack lie Pearl Harbor would happen because it was so close to the water. In fact there was a submarine attack were a Japanese submarine shot a torpedo at an American submarine in Astoria.

What, from their opinion did they think was most important thing to know about WWII?

Well Hilton always said that an important thing to remember is that they entered the war too late. If we entered as soon as Hitler invaded Poland like England did, it would have saved a lot of lives and damage. Is what Hilton would’ve said.

What did you do after the war?

Well Hilton got married to Gamma’s mom when he got home.

Jim was shattered; he got a severe drinking problem and never wanted to talk about the war.

Hilton also never wanted to talk about the war. Gamma said that he burned his uniform and all of his medals from the war because he didn’t want to be reminded of it.

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