
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Days 118 & 119

7 x7 Seven Subjects & 7 things I learned                             Days 117 & 119

1.       Math

a. In math today I learned about Absolute values and evaluating expressions.

b. I learned a new math symbol. I is the simple for number line. So If you see a problem like: I6I =? You know that the answer is 6. I6I = 6

c.  9 – 2I-4 – (-1)I – 5 = 2

d. 2I7-8I + 5 = 7

e. 5 – I – 3 – (-1) -1 = 2

f. 1 – I-1/2I = ½

g. 1 – I-1/2I + 2I7-8I 2 ½


2. Science

a. For science I tried to video my skating science three laws of motion video, but Cecilia kept making me laugh and we have to redo it.

b. I did my introduction and my first demonstration but Cecilia accidently cut it off before I was done, so we have to redo that.

c. We also have to redo my second law demonstration because Cecilia didn’t have enough mass to accelerate faster than me on the spin; I need to find an adult to demonstrate it instead.

d. I have to redo the third law because the video was cut short and I didn’t get my conclusion in.

e. Today I am going to get my poster board and start on that for my presentation.

f. I think that we need to video different kinds of spirals for the first law of motion and different kinds of jumps to demonstrate that each law occurs no matter what kind of spiral or jump that we are doing.

g. I think that we need to video the whole thing over again, just because of some minor technical difficulties.

3. History

WWII Profile *see post

4. Language

a. In Spanish today I was working on money and the prices of things En la tienda “At the shops.”

b. When you go into a shop it is polite to say Buenos dias senor (or senora)

c. To ask for something in a shop you use the polite form of a verb ?Tiene pasta? Have you got any pasta?

d. I learned that el aqua (bottled water) costs uno dolares in Mexico.

e. Some fruits and vegetables in Mexico are priced by kilogram: las naranjas uno dolares kilo. The oranges are one dollar per kilogram.

f. Here are the prices of school supplies: los creyones tres Dolores, el cuaderno uno doloras viente. Los marcadores cuatro dolares cincuenta.

g. I lwearned some more food names in Spanish: Bread = pan, las fresas, strawberries, la pasta, pasta, los caremelos, candy.

5. Reading

a. Today in reading I read about a description of a typical Incan farming village. I had to describe the things that were described in the story with one of the five senses.

b. Huts: sight, small, brown, grass-roofed, Mountains: sight, huge, snow-capped

c. Air: touch, cold, dry. Animal noises: hearing, barking, braying

d. Blankets: touch, rough, dry grass. Stew: taste, spicy, lots of corn

e. Fields: sight, distant, plain, flat

f. Chicha: smell/taste, strong, corn-flavored

g. Birds, hearing: loud, crying. Fire: sight, red, gold, bright.

6. Writing

WW II Profile *see post

7. Voice

a. In voice today I practiced my “Perfect Nanny” song that MSMT gave me to learn.

b. In piano I learned a couple new chords for the song, “Beautiful” the chords are: D, Am, and F#.

c. I also worked with a metronome with piano to work on my timing for songs that are 3/4.

d. I learned some new hand exercises on the piano that work with my fingers.

e. I practiced sing, “Perfect Nanny” in a British accent, since it is my audition for Jane Banks.

f. I practiced “The Saints come Marching in” on the piano with both hands.

g. I practiced a couple of other new chords on the piano, chord F, and chord G7.

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