
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 155

7 Seven Subjects & 7 things I learned Day 155

1.       Math

a. In math today I learned about like terms.

b. I also worked on simplifying expressions by combining like terms.

c. Like terms are numbers with the same variables.

d. 1/5x – 4x2 – (0.2)x + 3x2 = -x2

e. 5 – g + 2h + 2g – h = 5 + 1g + 1h

f. 6a + 7b + b2 – 2a + 3b – 7b2 + 4a + 10b – 6b2

g. 3x + 3yz  - 3xy – 3x – 3zy = -3xy


2. Science

a. I learned that the very first wind farm ever built was built in New Hampshire in 1980.

b. Windmills have been in use for over 1,500 years the first one was built in Persia, Now Iran, and they used horizontal cloth sails.

c. In 2010, USA and Germany were the top two countries for generating wind energy.

d. Wind farms are put in places that have a lot of wind, computers detect the current wind direction and they turn the blades to face it.

e. I learned that the Underground cables connected to the turbine collect the wind farms electricity.

f. The Europeans were the first to mount their sails vertically to catch more wind.

g. The speed of the generator can change from the gearbox inside a wind turbine.

3. History

a. I learned that Hapi is the god of the Nile.

b. I learned that Ahmes the Moonborn wrote a book about the subject matter was mathematics.

c. Ahmes’s book explains how to multiply and divide fractions and how to calculate the area of a circle…cool right?!

d. Egyptians used math to keep track of how much grain they produced.

e. I learned that 10 is presented as a head in hieroglyphics and 1 I.

f. 100 is represented as a coiled rope and has 2 I’s.

g. 1,000 is represented as a flower and has 3 III’s.


4. Language

a. Shrek es un verde ogre enorme. Shrek is an enormous green ogre.

b. Pero un probelma, !Quizas tenga que quedarse para convertirse en rey!But there was a problem, Maybe we should just turn around!

c. Fiona era Hermosa princesa, Pero un hechizo la transform en ogro. Fiona was a beautiful princess, but she turned it an ugly ogre.

d. Fiona sabe que rey Shrek no ser rey. Fiona knows that Shrek doesn’t want to be king.

e. El no es muy bueno en cuestiones de reyes, como armar caballeros. He has issues about becoming a good king, but has arming gentlemen friends.

f. Ella lo convencio de ir a la gran ciudad. She convinced him to go the big city.

g. El quiere volver a su pantano. He wants to return t his swamp.

5. Reading

a. In reading today read an excerpt from the novel, The Haunted Bookshop by Christopher Morley. Who are the characters in this selection? Mr. Mifflin, Mrs. Mifflin, Titania, and Bock

b. Which one of those characters is not human? Bock, Even though this excerpt does not mention straight out that he’s a dog, you realize it when it says that Titania brought a bone for him.

c. What indicators do the reader have that Titania is used to a wealthy lifestyle? That she thinks about hiring someone to carry her bag, and that she brings nice presents.

d. Why do you think Titania’s father wants her to have a job?  To give her the chance and experience of a middle-class lifestyle

e. When do you think this story might be set? Early 20th century because her language is dated.

f. What kind of personality do you think Titania has? What do you think she looks like? She is probably quite pretty and very sweet.

g. Write a brief summary of what you think is going to happen next, Well since the novel this excerpt is from I think something scary will happen next.

6. Writing

a. In writing today I worked on persuasive slogans for advertisements.

b. Look at the Grandma Renata’s logo, why does the ad include the phrase, “Your family’s restaurant”? Because a lot of people like home cooked meals.

c. What message does the Cheer! Slogan send? That they have things for everyone.

d. I learned that when writing an advertisement slogan, you need to consider your audience.

e. Write a slogan for a new mall: All the hottest stores, in the hottest mall, coming to you!

f. Now write a slogan for a new musical group, “Stand up and Rock out with the coolest new band on the Scene!

g. Then I drew an image to make an emotional appeal to go with the slogan for an advertisement.

7. Art/ Music

*Sophie’s school plan is very hard and intense for the next 3 weeks in order to make up for the extra time spent in Alabama in April and in order to have this unit complete before her first rehearsal for MSMT. Her goal is to complete one 7 x 7 per day of school for the next 14 days—that is basically doing 2 days worth of work per day. She will begin on Day 155 and end on Day 170. This is in addition to her regular skating schedule and the Daily Sparks 2-3 times a week.  The last 5 days of school will consist of some reviews and final unit projects.

The plan for the seventh component of her daily 7 x 7s –the Art/Music/Drama section—will be mostly practice and reading the Mary Poppins script. She does have a couple of cool art projects to do but she won’t be filling this section for every day. She will, however, be doing approximately a half hour’s music practice on piano, voice, or guitar and she will read and re-read her Mary Poppins script.

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