
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 165

7 x7 Seven Subjects & 7 things I learned Day 165

1.       Math

a. In math today I FINISHED the word problems I did earlier.

b. Kim started off with a lot of bracelets. After buying 3 additional bracelets, she decided to share them all equally with her friends, all 9 of her friends, and herself. If each friend got 2 bracelets, how many did Kim start off with? (Solve for s)

Kim started off with 17 bracelets.

c. After doubling the money in her bank account Trudy spent 5$ on music downloads, If she now has $195, how much money did she start off with?

Trudy started with $100.

d. Brittany loves frozen red grapes. They taste like candy! She has a whole bowl of them. She eats five grapes and then shares the rest equally herself and 5 friends, Anne, Nicole, Eliza, Paula, and Kirsten. Nicole got 7 grapes. How many did Brittany start off with?

Brittany started off with 47 grapes.

e. Chris had way too many text messages on his phone and wanted to clear them out. He first deleted ten messages. And then deleted half of what he had left. If he currently has 8 messages on his phone, then how many did he start off with?

Chris started off his 26 text messages.

f. Sarah had a lot of ringtones in her phone yesterday. But she kept adding them, and today she has 9 more than twice of what she had yesterday. If she now has 51 ringtones in her phone, then how many did she have yesterday? She had 21 ringtones yesterday.

g. Suzanne volunteered at her local animal shelter on their monthly, “Puppy Adoption Day.” By the end of the day she found new homes for 4/5 of the puppies! Of those remaining, she took two home for herself. And she didn’t leave any puppies behind. How many did she start off with that morning? There were 10 puppies that morning.


2.       Science

a. I learned that Hensi Re who lived about 46000 years ago was one of the world first dentists.

b. He was nicknamed as, “The chief of Toothers and Physicians.”

c. The Egyptians knew how to fill cavities and treat infections in your gums.

d. I saw a picture of the first set of false teeth.

e. The first set of false teeth was held together by gold wire.

f. Archeologists have found a 3,800 jawbone with a hole under a molar in it.

g. They think the jaw was pierced so that pus could drain out of it.


3.       History

a. The New Kingdom Period was the period of ancient Egyptian history from 1550-1070 bc.

b. Obelisks are tall, slender, four sided shafts of stone that end with a pointed pyramidal top.

c. Peret: is one of the three seasons of the Egyptian farming calendar: the time of plowing and sowing. After the flood waters have subsided.

d. Shadoof: A pole with a bucket and counterweight used to raise water from the Nile.

e. Wabet: A clean and pure place where embalming and mummification carried out.

f. Lapis Lazuli: a rich blue semiprecious stone.

g. Egyptologists: People who study the artifacts and culture of Ancient Egypt.

4. Language

a. For language today I practiced reading my Spanish book over and over again about 7 times.


5. Reading

a. The second ride that Philby and Finn checked was Splash Mountain because it was the rides with the most clouds.

b. They found the letters PIF using their glasses and then had a little bit of travel when the ride turned on and almost pushed them down the 45 degree waterfall!

c. Uh oh! Maybeck abandoned the other DHI’s and got captured by some Overtakers and was hidden inside space Mountain.

6. Writing

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