
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 156

7 x7 Seven Subjects & 7 things I learned Day 156

1.       Math

a. In math today I learned that you combine like terms by adding their coefficients. For example: 5xy – 2xy = 3xy.

b. In math when you see this, a(b + c) this means the a is multiplying times the ( b + c).

c. The distributive property is a rule that allows us to rewrite very specific kinds of expressions so that the parentheses go away but the value of the expression remains unchanged.

d. Using the distribution rule: 9(2/3 – 5/9) = 6 – 5 = 1

e. 14(8/7 + 3/14) = 19

f. 10(8.1 – 4.9) = 32

g. 10(8.1 – 1/5 = 79


2. Science

a. Today in Science I learned about solar energy. I learned that this energy radiates out from the sun, warming earth and supporting all of the planets life.

b. I learned that increasingly, people are capturing that energy, and using it to generate electricity and heat water.

c. I learned that enough solar energy reaches Earth to meet all our energy needs, The trick is capturing it.

d. One form of commercial solar power generation is solar panel farms, miles of many solar power panels lined up in a row capturing the sun rays and converting them into electricity.

e. The common solar power garden lamp changes during the day and then provides outdoor lighting at night.

f. I learned that there are fully solar power cars and every year since 1985 they are improving and are being raced.

g. Solar cells capture sunlight using silicon crystals! The light knocks loose small electrical charges into the crystals which are channeled into wires as electrical current.

3. History

a. Egyptians believed that if you lived a good life you would be rewarded in the afterlife, you would live with Osiris the God of Death, in the field of Reeds.

b. I learned that at first, the Egyptians thought that only a Pharaoh could leave the tomb and travel to live with Osiris in the Field of Reeds, but then these ideas changed and the people started to believe that if the living celebrated your death ceremonially, then you could have the right of passage to the afterlife.

c. Mourners gathered at the homes of the deceased to begin the long procession of the tomb. They dragged the mummy over land on a wooden sled, and then crossed the river by barge.

d. Queen Cleopatra VII was the eldest daughter of Ptolemy XII who died in 51 BC.

e. Cleopatra found herself facing a rebellion as her father had faced before her, not long before she got the throne, one that threatened to be the end of her reign for good. However a bigger conflict also loomed, civil war in the Roman Empire.

f. Each crown that the pharaoh wore represented a god or goddess, the crown that Cleopatra wore, represented the protection of the goddess Mut.

g. One of Queen Cleopatra’s brothers became her husband, King Ptolemy XIII.


4. Language

a. Burro es el mejor amigo de Shrek. Donkey is Shrek’s best friend.

b. Va a todos lados con el por mas que a Shrek le guste o no. But not everyone did Shrek like, oh no.

c. Hasta va con el en busca de otro rey. They went on the searching for another king.

d. Burro ama a Dragona, sus hijos se llaman burrodragones. Donkey loves Dragon; their children are called Donkdragons. 

e. La familia entera les dice adios cuando Shrek y Burro zarpan en el barco. The whole family waves goodbye when Shrek and Donkey sail away on the boat.

f. Gato con botas tambien va en el viaje en barco. Puss in Boots also goes on the trip.

g. Gato es muy valiente. Antes era enemigo de shrek. Pero ahora son muy Buenos amigos. Puss is very brave, before he was an enemy to Shrek. But now they are very good friends.

5. Reading

a. Today in reading I read my last story which was an excerpt from The country of the pointed firs by Sarah Orne Jewett.

b. Which of these is an example of a simile: Clustering mallows that crept as near as they dared, like poor relations.

c. Which of these is an example of personification? Strips like green turf like growing velvet.

d. Which two color words are used more than once in the setting description? Green and gray

e. If you were not told that this setting was a farm, what clue would indicate that it was? The chickens near the kitchen door.

f. What is the authors purpose with similes? To create a visual image of the setting.

g. I really liked this reading book and learned many useful tips to put into reading novels and writing my own stories.

6. Writing

a. For writing today I worked on the order of importance and wrote a letter to an imaginary school suggesting we do a fundraiser and use the money to charity.


Dear, Brunswick Junior High School,

Since our school is so important in our community and very well funded, I feel like we should use some of that money to make a fundraiser in the gym where the proceeds go to charity. I think this will be a great a great way to use our gym on the Saturday night where it was free.  I know that at the end of the year so much of our extra money goes to waste, so we can use that money to help pay for the fundraiser. Thank you so much for understanding and I hope you take this letter under strong consideration, Thank you, Sophie.


Practice piano & guitar—1 hour

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