
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Days 159 & 160

7 x7 Seven Subjects & 7 things I learned Day 159 & 160

1.       Math

a.       In math today I first determined whether the phrase is an equation, a math sentence, or an expression, or a combo of the two. Seven less than twice x

1.       No this is not a math sentence; it’s an expression.

2.       2. 2x – 7

b. Seven is less than twice x. An inequality, 7 < 2x

c. 13 is greater than triple c. 13 > 3c, this is an inequality.

d. 12 greater than triple c, 3c + 12. Expression.

e. 5 less than half of y, y/2 – 5, this is an expression.

f. 7 is more than one fourth of w. This is an inequality, 7 > w/4

g. 8 more than one third of x is 11. This is an equation, x/3 + 8 = 11


2.       Science

a. Today in science I learned about Energy Efficient homes. An important part of curbing hunger for energy is making homes energy efficient!

b. Recycling is a good way to make your home more energy efficient: Recycling means that new things do not need to be produced from scratch, which takes less energy.

c. Greenhouse: Sunlight hitting the greenhouse helps to heat the home during cold months. It can also heat water for an under floor pipe system, which also warms the house.

d. Composting: Kitchen food scraps and yard clippings can be composted to decrease waste and provide nutrition for garden.

e. Power: Solar Panels and a wind turbine on the roof can contribute electricity to the home’s appliances and electrical equipment.

f. Hot water: Solar power uses the Sun’s energy to provide hot water, decreasing the amount of electricity needed.

g. We do many of the things mentioned in the book, in fact we do most of them and I think we have a pretty well, energy-efficient home!


3.       History

a. I learned that Early on in Egypt, the Egyptians discovered that a triangle measuring 3, 4, 5 or 5, 12, 13 always included a right angle.

b. Surveyors would lay out knotted ropes in a straight line and by sighting a right angles and constructing an imaginary triangle, they could determine distances.

c. Egyptians measured the area of irregularly shaped fields by dividing it into triangles, and then adding all the triangles together.

d. Egyptians even knew basic Algebra, Archeologists have discovered Egyptian Scrolls containing problems with unknown answers.

e. King Tut began his reign when he was eight years old. He died in 1344 bc, when he was eighteen. His resting place was discovered in 1922, and it is the only tomb that has not been badly looted.

f. Even though it was robbed once or twice before it was discovered, it still had many magnificent treasures in it.

g. Historians think that since Tut died so suddenly and when he was young, they didn’t have enough time to build a tomb for him, so he was buried in a tomb meant for noblemen.  

4. Language

a. Principe Encantador necesita ayuda de unos tipos muy malos. Prince Charming, needs help from some very bad people.

b. Los va buscar a un meson adonde van muchos villanos. They will search for where the other villains are.

c. Capitan Garfio es un pirata. Captain Garfio is a Pirate.

d. Los piratas son malos y codiosos. Pero Garfio ademas es loco. Pirates are bad and greedy, But Garfio is also crazy.

e. Ciclope tiene la mitas de ojos que la mayoria de le gente. A Cyclops has one eye, they really hate people.

f. Pero es el doble de malo. But this one is twice as bad.

g. Pronto, Encantador tiene todo un ejercito. Prince charming has everything including an army.


5. Reading

a. In the last chapter, Charlene, Philby, and Finn met in Frontierland with Wayne and battle the Animatronics Pirates from the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

b. Finn and Amanda have found all the DHI’s and they are going to meet in VMK, Virtual Magic Kingdom, later tonight and try to fall asleep around the same time.

c. I learned that all the DHI’s are having the same, “dreams” and have all been experiencing fainting and other strange stuff like that.

6. Writing

In writing today I listed the steps in making Mac and Cheese.

Step 1: Fill a saucepan with about 3 quarters of water.

Step 2: Turn the stove on to about 8 or high,

Step 3: Wait until the water boils

Step 4: Once the water is boiling pour the pasta in,

Step 5: Stir frequently for about 10 minutes,

Step 6: Take the pasta out and put it into a strainer

Step 7: Melt the cheese, butter, and milk all together

Step 8: Put the pasta back in the saucepan and stir

Then your Mac and cheese should be done.


7. Music

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