
Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 162

7 x7 Seven Subjects & 7 things I learned Day 162

1.       Math

a. In math today, Danica described the steps that were used to build the expression and then I built it!

b. Start with y. Divide by 8, then subtract 4, and then multiply by 3. 3(y/8 – 4)

c. Start with x. Add 3, and then multiply by 4. 4( x + 3)

d. Start with y. multiply by 4, and then add 3. 4y + 3

e. Start with z, Add 3, and then divide by 4. Z + 3/ 4

f. Start with w. Divide by 2, then subtract and multiply by 5. 5(w/2 – 1)

g. Start with n. Multiply by 6, then subtract 5, and then divide by 7.  6n – 5/ 7


2.       Science

a. I learned that the Egyptians observed planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mars, and Mercury; they called them, “The Unwearied.”

b. The sun’s shadow was used to mark the passage of hours. The Egyptians “Shadow Clock” had one flat arm and one upright arm.

c. The Egyptians also used water clocks. This was a large bowl with a small hole in the bottom. As the water flowed out of the bowl, hour lines became visible on the side of the bowl.

d. Another type of water clock counted hours as the water poured into the bowl.

e. Egyptian hours were counted by dividing the hours of day and night into 12 parts.

f. Water clocks had markings for both summer and winter.

g. The winter clock was fourteen fingers tall and the summer clock was 12 fingers tall.


3.       History

a. I learned that according to legend a fortuneteller told Caesar to beware the Ides of March, “Ides” is the middle of a month, and the ides of March would be March 15, the day Caesar was brutally murdered.

b. On March 15, 44 bc, Caesar was stabbed twenty-three times by his senators and the person who led the group was his best friend Marcus Brutus.

c. Caesar changed the Roman calendar to the Egyptian calendar with 365 ½ days every year adding an extra day every four years.

d. Ramses II, also known as Ramses the Great built two temples at Abu Simbel. 

e. Ramses II ruled for 67 years and had more temples, statues, and buildings ever built than any other Pharaoh in his honor.

f. Ramses II claimed that Amen Ra was his father and he built the temple of Abu Simbel to boast of his godly statues.

g. One of the statues in the sanctuary is of Ramses II.

4. Language

a. El lobo y los tres cochonitos ayudan a Pinocho a bloquear la puerta. The three little pigs and Pinocchio help block the door.

b. Hay solo un problema. There is only one problem.

c. El ejercito de Encantador es un poderoso. Charming’s army is powerful.

d. Encantador arroja a Fiona a una celda junto con la Reina Lillian y las princesas. Charming trapped Fionia in a jail cell with her mother, Queen Lillian, and the other princesses.

e. La Reina decide usar la cabeza. The Queen decides to use her head.

f. La usa para abrir un agujero en la pared. She uses it to open a hole in the wall.

g. ?Mama? dice Fiona sorprendida. Mom? Said Fiona surprised.


5. Reading

a. Finn is so excited to tell Amanda everything that happened last night and about the moving platform in the castle and the story about the stonecutter’s quill.

b. Wayne told them that their mission was to find out why Quill was added to the story of the stonecutter, which says that a stonecutter wished he was the sun so he could be powerful, and then he wished he were a cloud so he could be more powerful than the sun, and then he wished he were the wind so he could be more powerful than the cloud, then he wished he could be a mountain, so he could be more powerful than the wind, and then since he was a mountain he realized there was nothing more powerful than him, but then he looked down, and at his base…. He saw a stonecutter.

c. Wayne thinks the adding of the word “quill” to that story will have something to do with stopping the Overtakers.

6. Writing

a. In writing today I wrote information down on a table after reading a visual aid paragraph:

Time:                     Bus#                      Destination:                      

6:37 a.m               16A                        Clayton college

6:48 a.m               2A                           North

7:01 a.m               44D                        College mall

7:12 a.m               24C                         Downtown

7:28 a.m               7A                           Clayton college


7. Art

a. Read Act 2 of Mary Poppins:

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